Representatives of World and Middle East power has begun new talks aimed at putting theSyrian peace process back on track. Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier saiddiplomats have to find way to return to the political negotiation. Our correspondent BethonyBell is in Vienna, What we understand western diplomats are trying to do here in Vienna is tohave actions which would encourage the opposition to return to peace talks in Geneva, theopposition suspended its participation of those peace talks in April because of the mountingviolence in Syria because of the very partial and fragile truce was coming under enormousstrain, and because of the lack of the humanitarian access to certain areas.
The authorities in Canada have ordered the evacuation of up to 600 oil workers in the provinceof Alberta because of a renewed threat from a resurgent wild fire. People in camps near FortMcMurray are being sent to oil installation further north. James Cook reports. Two weeks ago, awild fire destroyed more than 2,000 homes in Fort McMurray and forced more than 18,000people to flee. It is still burning and, in the past 24 hours, has moved back towards the cityand a dozen oil camps to the north. Dense yellow smoke has descended and in places the air isthick with ash. A spokesman for the regional municipality of Wood Buffalo told BBC that 8,000people were given procautionary evacuation orders late on Monday evening, in addition tosome 4,000 who had already been advised to leave. World news from the BBC.
Members of Parliament in Turkey are debating a draft measure that would remove some ofthe legislators' own immunity from prosecution. Members of the pro-Kurdish opposition saidthe proposal is designed to target them and suppress dissent. The governing AK Party willneed support from other parties, it means to achieve the 2/3 majority required to pass thebill.
The French Presidnet Francois Holland said he won't back down in an dispute with Trade union sof a new labor laws, further street demonstrations against the measures are expected today. Inan interview with French Radio, the president insisted the legislation will stay, and hethreatened tough actions against any protestors clashing with police. The government says thelabor market reforms will creat jobs, the union s said they would destroy job security anderode workers' rights.
An American who's had the first penis transplant in the United States has told BBC that hehopes his operation will hearten war veterans who suffer genital injuries. Thomas Manning, whois 64, said he was determined to have a replacement penis after his own was amputated afterhe got cancer. He said he wanted to speak out about his experience. We have people thatthought for years and tell them about how they had to have it amputated. If you saw the lookon their face, they cringed, they just can't stand the idea. But I don't hide things, I must talk itto all of front.
Ten gay right activists in Georgia have been detained for painting rainbow graffiti on the sideof an Orthodox church office. The suspects were arrested in an act of writing the slogan "AllLove is Equal". Georgia's Orthodox church, which opposes same-sex marriage, is markingStrengthen the Family Day, which coincides with the international day against homophobia.Georgia's capital T'bilisi is currently hosting the conservative world congress of families. BBCnews.
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