
时间:2016-05-19 15:46:19  / 编辑:Abby

  It used to be a far-flung idea more at home in theworld of science fiction, but the Swedish car makerVolvo is bringing driverless cars a step closer byrecruiting a hundred people to travel to work nextyear in computer controlled vehicles. That’s not all.The trial requires the volunteers to read a book,sent texts and e-mails or even watch TV while sitting behind the wheel. The company says thecars will be designed to deal with any emergency so that human won’t have to. Richard Weskerhas been giving the technology a try.

  To start with, Volvo’s volunteers will only use selected commuter routes. They’ve been pickedbecause they don’t allow cyclists, pedestrians. And bear in mind, it’s Sweden, because they areregularly cleared of snow, the computer needs to see white lines. As we drove along amongstthe lorries and buses, the man behind the technology pushed the button, let go of the wheeland started telling me about how it will work.


  I mean, no one wants to say it out loud but computers can crash as well as humans, can’tthey?

  Oh yeah, computers can crash. So when we designed the system, we designed it with backupcomputers, with double breaking systems, double steering systems.

  So the cars are gonna do this.

  Driver may be sitting relaxed, reading. We can not count on him or her, so the car has to do it.

  Will anyone actually want to do it? Will they want to commute in the morning with their handsoff the steering wheel? Do you think it’s gonna be popular here, the idea of self driving cars?

  No, not for us. I don’t think people trust them.

  I think that it would be more safe if all the cars were driverless cars because then you take outthe human factor.

  Would you volunteer to try out the driverless car?

  Yeah, why not?

  I think they will be a bit scary to not be like able to, yeah, you don’t know where it’s gonnaturn.

  It could still take a decade or two, but eventually children will marvel at the idea that peopleactually used to drive their own cars.

  What choices are there for men in Sweden who don’t want to be fathers if their partner ispregnant? Well, the youth wing of Sweden’s Liberty Party is proposing that men, like women,should have the right to decide whether or not to have a baby. This would allow them to optout of paternity until the 18th week of pregnancy, the last week, in which a woman in thecountry can have a legal abortion.

  We are proposing that a man can do legal abortion on paper and then he has no obligation topay maintenance to the woman. And then he won’t have either obligations or duties or anyrights against the child or the woman.

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