The Turkish army has released what it says is a series of audio recordings in which the Russianplane was shot down on Tuesday is asked to change course immediately before he's downednear the Syrian border. The Russian airman who survived Captain Konstantin Murakhtin deniedreceiving warnings although kept straight into Turkish airspace. There were no warnings, notran in the radio, not visually. There was no contact, whatsoever, that is why we were keepingour combat course as usual. If they wanted to warn us, they could have shown themselves byheading on the parallel course, but there was nothing and a rocket hit our tail.
The international medical charity, MSF says an investigation into the attack last month byAmerican forces on one of his hospitals in Afghanistan has revealed a frightening catalogue oferrors, is called for impartial investigation into the tragedy in Kondoz that killed at least 30people. John Sapol reports. The three thousand papers report of the US armed forces blamehuman error and procedure failures in which personal did not take proper steps to verify thetarget. General John F. Campbell who is in charge of the American military in Afghanistan saysit was a tragic but avoidable accident. The medical facility was misidentified as its target by USpersonal who believe they were striking a different building several hundreds meters away. Intheir response, MSF said the report showed the frightening catalogue of errors andillustrated gross negligence on the part of US forces and violations of the rules of war.
Police in Brazil have for the first time arrested the sitting Senator, Delcidio Amaral, who is themember of the governing workers party was detained in connection with the corruptioninquiry of the state oil company Petrobras. The Brazilian senate approved legality of MrAmaral’s arrest in the vote in the emergency session. One of Brazil’s richest man AndreEsteves was also arrested.
The French president Francois Hollande has asked Germany to do more to help combat the ISGroup. Speaking during a visit to Paris by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Hollandesaid it would a very good signal if Germany made a big effort in Iraq and Syria against IS. MrsMerkel agreed that Jihadists group had to be fought militarily. Terror must be fought with all ourefforts. And we want to be on France’s side. On the day of the terrible attacks, I said that wewould support France in every possible way.
President Obama has tried to reassure Americans that everything possible is being done tokeep the country safe, as millions head home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mr Obama said heunderstood that people were anxious following the attacks in Paris. But he said there was notcredible intelligence who indicate plots in against the US. World news from the BBC.
A court in Hungary has ruled that four men detained as suspected terrorists were in fact WorldWar Two enthusiasts returning home as weapons were found with a metal detector. The menwere arrested at the weekend as they drove back from the site of a wartime Tank Battle. Butthe judge in Budapest rejected this state prosecutor's request to remand the men in custody,saying there was no evidence they had links to terrorism.
A court in the US has convicted a man of murder after he shot dead his wife and posted apicture of her body on Facebook. The jury in Florida rejected Derek Medina’s arguments that hehad acted in self defense. He is due to be sentenced in January. Laura Rebecca reports. DerekMedina said that his wife Jennifer Alfonso was threatening him with a knife when he shot her intheir home in South Miami. He had admitted taking a picture of the body on his mobile phone,and uploading it on to the Facebook. He wrote that he was forced to kill her after years ofphysical abuse. But prosecutors successfully argued that the 27-years-old was cowering on thekitchen floor when she was shot. Miami Dade State Attorney Katherine Rundle said no familyshould ever have to see their daughter killed and then exhibited on the internet like somemacabre trophy.
The US has expressed concerns at the leaders on imposing signs in South Sudan have notformed the transitional government within 90 days as was agreed in August. The satedepartment warned the peace protest Sudan rival unless the transitional administration wasestablished. It said each day the fight continued and the humanitarian situation grew worse.
The world Meteorological Organization says the 2015 is on course to be the warmest year onrecord with global average temperature reaching 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels.Its annual climate report, the WMO said the five year period, from 2011 to 2015, was thewarmest since the record began. BBC news.
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