
时间:2016-02-24 10:38:15  / 编辑:Abby

  Today’s debate about the rights or wrongs of airstrikes against ISIS, will be focussed on whatconstitutes a just and proportionate response toISIS atrocities in Paris and elsewhere. While muchhas been said and written about criteria that need tobe met for a just war, less has been said aboutimperatives for just and lasting peace.

  Syria, like much of the Middle East, is a cauldron of competing rivalries, not only those of Sunniand Shia Muslims but also smaller groups: Alowites, Kurds, Christians and others. While wewould all like to see functioning democracies in the region, this is easier said than done. Thehistory of the Middle East, and many other parts of the world shows that majority rule doesnot always equate to just rule. Majorities insensitive to the rights of minorities, can all tooeasily morph into tyrannies. What is important is, not so much the process of acquiring power,as the way power is exercised.

  I was reminded about this at an event celebrating the birth anniversary of the Maharaja RanjitSingh, who lived in the 19th century. He ruled over a vast area of northern India, includingpresent day Pakistan. Although the Maharaja gained power through military might, he reachedout to all communities winning both love and loyalty.

  Totally illiterate, he spent hours as a child in the gurdwara, listening to Sikh teachings onrespect for all communities. He was deeply influenced by the Sikh belief that that token respectfor other ways of life is not enough, and that for true respect, we should be prepared to putour own rights and freedom on the line, in support of those of others.

  The Maharaja kept this teachings close to his heart. There were more Hindu and MuslimMinisters in his government than Sikhs. He also gave generously for the upkeep anddevelopment of places of worship of all communities, bringing peace, stability and prosperityinto a region that had been subject to factional rivalry, not unlike that seen in the Middle Easttoday.

  Yes, this is history from the 19th century, but it contains fundamental truths that we wouldbe wise to learn from. Reaching out to others in this way is not easy, but is possible, and to mymind, essential for true and lasting peace. We should give our full support to any groupworking in this direction.

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  • 姓名:张征

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