
时间:2015-10-13 09:56:36  / 编辑:danyang





  European leaders are continuing to hold talks in Brussels on how to tackle the migrant crisis,but discussions continue to be hampered by the serious political divisions between memberstates, particularly on migrant resettlement. The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said theEuropean union   had to regain control of its borders to ensure the rules of entry are obeyed“If you don't follow the regulations, the whole European union   will be involved into a chaos. Youhave to follow the regulation and restore the legal order.” The Summit in Brussels is focusingon longer term solutions, as Chris Morris reports. “Billions of Euros in new funding for Syrianrefugees may be announced, aimed particularly at countries like Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.There is also a focus on regaining control of the EU's external borders. But EU leaders alsocan't ignore the divisions and disagreements that had emerged in the last weeks betweenmember states that have different ideas about how this crisis should be confronted.”

  One of the United States most influential energy politicians has rejected an appeal being madeby Pope Francis in Washington to tackle climate change. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican andthe Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Energy Committee, told the BBC's RogerHarrabin she did not believe in manmade climate change. The jury is still out saying man is thecause for global warming or after the earth started to cool 13 years ago. It hasn't actually gotcooler. It is still at an elevated state. It just hasn't got very much warmer. It hasn't warmed. Ithink we've cooled almost 1 degree. I don't think you will see, may be persuaded that theclimate change is a genuine threat.” Republicans in Congress are trying to rule back PresidentObama's attempt to cut greenhouse gases.

  Pope Francis has addressed bishops in the United States to praise them for their response tothe clergy sex abuse crisis, which engulfed the Church more than 10 years ago. But a BBCcorrespondent says the decision not to meet the victims of abuse disappointed someCatholics. The Pope also performed the first canonization on American soil. Junipero Serra was aFranciscan friar who brought Christianity to California.

  Volkswagen's Chief Executive Martin Winterkom has resigned as a scandal deepens over thecompany's manipulation of vehicle pollutions tests. Theo leggett reports. “The downfall ofMartin Winterkom was both rapid and dramatic. But the sheer scale of the scandal made hisposition untenable, his voice cracking with emotion at times. Volkswagen's Vice ChairmanBerthold Huber told reporters that it was essential to regain the trust of regulators andconsumers. Yet a fresh start looks forbiddingly difficult. Volkswagen is facing huge fines as wellas the prospect of criminal prosecutions.” BBC News.

  A new report says better gender equality in the workforce across the world could add 12 trilliondollars to the global economy by 2025. The study by consultancy firm McKinsey is calling forworld leaders gathering at the United Nations next week to encourage more women to realizetheir economic potential. It says companies should see women's participation in work as anopportunity to boost their talent and staffing, rather than something which would cost themmoney. Women in many countries still face legal barriers to employment while othersdisproportionately represented in low paid jobs.

  Two al-Jazeera TV journalists have been released from prison in Egypt shortly they werepardoned by President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi. Mohammed Fahmy, who is a Canadian citizen, andBaher Mohammed, who is Egyptian, were among 100 prisoners freed. Mr. Fahmy told reportersthat it was time to celebrate “We are gonna travel the world. We are gonna celebrate. We aregonna party. Our families have suffered so much since the beginning of this trial. And we arevery happy that President Sisi took this action and released us. I will continue fighting for pressfreedom.”

  The Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Timochenko, the Commander of the FARCrebel group, have announced an agreement, created a truce commission, and set up specialcourts to deal with crimes committed during more than 5 decades of conflict. The two sideshave also agreed on an amnesty law that will benefit most left wing rebels. The deal is seen asa major breakthrough after nearly three years of peace talks hosted by Cuba.

  In the Rugby World Cup, Australians have won their first match of the tournament by beatingFiji, 28 to 13. The French have beaten Romania, 38 points to 11. Earlier, Japan's hopes ofanother victory after their surprise win over South Africa on Saturday were dashed. Scotlandbeat them 45 to 10. BBC news.

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  • 姓名:孟帆







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