美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)以火灾危险为由警告不要在飞机上使用三星盖乐世Note 7(Samsung Galaxy Note 7)智能手机。
Three Australian airlines and the German carrier Lufthansa have outright banned their useonboard.
But the threat of airliner fires is not limited to Samsung devices, which the company hasoffered to replace.
And the hazard is far more than theoretical.
Qantas, one of the Australian carriers, had an onboard fire during a trans-Pacific flight this yearwhen a passenger’s cellphone was crushed in the mechanism of a business-class seat and thephone’s lithium-ion battery ignited.
In January as a Delta Air Lines flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta arrived at the gate, crewmembers discovered that a carry-on bag containing two laptop computers had burst intoflames, according to the FAA The smoke prompted some passengers to use the emergencyexits and wait on the wings until help arrived.
今年1月,美国联邦航空管理局报告,一架从明尼阿波利斯飞往亚特兰大的达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines)客机抵达登机口时,机组成员发现一件装有两台笔记本电脑的随身行李起火。烟雾迫使一些乘客使用紧急出口离开,在机翼上等待,直至救援人员到达。
The problem is lithium-ion batteries, which have become the standard for portable consumerelectronics, including phones, tablets and laptops, because of the power they can pack into asmall package.
They are also highly volatile.
Battery fires were considered a contributing factor in the crashes of three cargo planes in thelast 10 years: an Asiana 747 in 2011, a UPS 747 in Dubai in 2010 and a UPS DC-8 inPhiladelphia in 2006.
In January, the FAA issued a warning that lithium-ion batteries in a cargo hold carried the riskof a catastrophic hull loss on an airplane.
So far there have been no airliner disasters specifically attributed to passengers’ digital devices.
But experts worry about the sheer mathematics.
The Royal Aeronautical Society in Britain estimates that even a single-aisle jet with only 100passengers might have more than 500 lithium-ion batteries aboard.
英国皇家航空协会(Royal Aeronautical Society in Britain)估计,就连一架仅能搭载100名乘客的单通道飞机也可能装有500多块锂离子电池。
Those numbers, and the attendant fire risks, could eventually catch up with the air-travelingpublic.
The question is: What to do about it — besides issuing advisories?
The FAA administrator, Michael P.
美国联邦航空管理局局长迈克尔•P•胡尔塔(Michael P.
Huerta, said in an email statement that the agency recognized that the batteries posed risksand that it was tracking all incidents in aircraft cabins to help us determine what we can do.
Huerta urged passengers to put their devices in a carry-on bag or other safe location when notusing them.
But the FAA is in a tough situation.
Under the regulatory rules, it cannot ground the Galaxy Note 7 until the Consumer ProductSafety Commission orders a recall.
按照管理规定,它不能禁止盖乐世Note 7上飞机,除非消费产品安全委员会(Consumer Product SafetyCommission)命令召回。
On Friday, the safety commission said it was working with Samsung on the terms of a recalland urged owners of the phones to stop using them.
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