
时间:2016-03-10 10:36:02  / 编辑:Abby




  The French Prime Minister Manuel Vallssays that some of those linked to the attacks last week inParis which killed 129 people used the migration crisis in Europe to enter France unnoticed. Hewas speaking on French state television. These individuals took advantage of the refugee crisisof the chaos, perhaps, for some of them to slip into France. Others were in Belgium already,and others I must remind you were in France. Mr. Valls warned that passport free travel in theEU was threatened unless external border controls were improved. The French governmentsays only after the Paris attacks was it informed that the alleged ringleader Abdel HamidAbaaoud had passed through Greece on his return from Syria.

  The US house of representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill to toughen the screeningof the Syria men and Iraqi refugees entering the United States. The proposed new restrictionswould require the heads of three US agencies to approve every Iraqi and Syrian refugeeentering the country. The White House says threaten to veto the new bill. The Secretary ofState John Kerry said the plan changes were contrary to American values. Out of the entiretotal of refugees, who were let into our country since 2009, only 2% were male of a fighting agesimilar to those people who are picking up the battle in Syria. You know, it's inappropriate forAmerican, of all countries in the world to panic and to somehow turn our backs on ourfundamental values.

  Research in the United States indicates that more Mexicans are now leaving the US thanentering it reversing a trend spanning half of a century. A study by the Pew Research Centersaid that in the 5-year period up until 2014 about 1 million Mexicans and their families left theUnited States to return to Mexico. During the same period, 140,000 fewer Mexicans left theirhome country to settle in the US. The center said the main reason was a desire to reunite withfamilies.

  Burundi's governing party has warned all Belgians living in the country to get out. Thestatement was issued days after Belgium, the former colonial power advised its citizens to leaveBurundi because of increasing political violence. More than 200 people have been killed sinceApril when President Pierre Nkurunziza announced he was running for a third term. Here's theBBC's Robert Misigaro. Relations between Burundi and Belgium have never been so low. Thisstatement is in response to what the Belgium Foreign Affairs minister Didier Reynders said onNovember 13. He basically said that it could be an escalation of violence so it was advisablefor Belgians to leave Burundi. So CNDD-FDD says look we want you to go since you feel likeyou're not safe here. World news from the BBC.

  Police in Colombia have arrested more than 20 members of a gang accused of smugglingcocaine and heroin inside consignments of flowers for export. The drugs were hidden in theflowers of warehouses at the international airport near the capital Bogota. Police said the ganghad sent small quantities of the drugs regularly to the US, Europe and to Central America.

  The United Nations has passed a resolution calling on countries including the US, Britain andSouth Africa to release records about a mysterious plane crash that killed the then UNSecretary of General Dag Hammarskjold in 1961. An independent inquiry earlier this yearfound new information suggesting that the plane might have been shotdown by anotheraircraft over what is now was Zambia. Mr. Hammarskjold and 15 others were killed whiletravelling to broker a ceasefire in the mining rich Katanga province in the newly independentCongo.

  New Zealanders are voting in the first of two referendums on whether to adopt a new nationalflag. They've been asked to choose between five designs, most of which feature a silver fern,the country's unofficial emblem. The winner will then go through to another referendum nextyear when voters will decide if it should replace the existing flag.

  And scientists have discovered the species of song bird performs a tap dance so fast that itcan't be seen by the naked eye. Researchers from Japan and Germany slow down footages ofthe blue capped cordon-bleu songbirds during courtship. Here's our science reporter JonathanWeb. Now, they've discovered that tap dance is in the courtship repertoire of both male andfemale cordon-bleus. The next step for the researchers is to try and pick whether the birdsmate is wooed by the sight, the sound or the vibrations of this fancy foot work. Such is theagility of the songbirds show stopping quick step that could only be fully appreciated in superslow motion. That's the latest BBC news.

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  • 姓名:孟帆







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