Myanmar's opposition National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi has won ahistorical victory in the first free election in 25 years. The Result should bring an end to morethan 50 years of military-led government. From Yangon, here's our correspondent JonahFisher. Myanmar's first contested vote in 25 years has been remarkable both in the way it wasconducted and the gracious response of the losers. Of course, much could still go wrong,remember the result back in 1990, was announced and then ignored. But it does feel differentthis time, Aung San SuuKyi now has enough MPs in parliament to outvote the unelectedBurmese army representatives and put her candidate in the presidency. It can't be her. She'sbarred from taking the job because her sons have British passports.
The United States says it's carried out an air-strike targeting the Islamic State militant knownas Jihadi John. The strike took place on Thursday near the Syrian city of Raqqa and was aimedat a vehicle. A Pentagon source said they had been tracking them carefully over a period oftime. From Washington, here's Laura Becca. The air-strike took place around Syrian city ofRaqqa in the last few hours. The Pentagon says this was a targeted strike aimed at killingMohammed Emwazi also known as Jihadi John. The militant was born in Kuwait but grew up inLondon. He traveled to Syria in 2012 and later joined the Islamic State. He appeared maskedand dressed all in black in a video where the American journalist James Foley is murdered. He isalso believed to have been involved in the murders of British aid workers David Haines and AlanHenning and the Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.
Lebanon is observing a day of national mourning for more than 40 people killed in twin suicidebombings on Thursday in the capital Beirut. The Islamic State militant group said it wasresponsible for the attacks. Sebastian Usher reports. This isn't the first time that southernsuburbs where Hezbollah has its main stronghold has been attacked. This has been a coursesince Hezbollah joined the Syrian conflict on the side of president al-Assad. And this is on adifferent scale from what we've seen. This one seems to be designed, like the kind of attack wegot used to see in, for example, in Baghdad when you have suicide bomb attacks happeningalmost the same time. It's a tactic to trying to kill as many people as possible during eveningrush hours as mosque worshippers are leaving in a busy narrow street.
An alleged member of a New York crime family has been found not guilty of involvement in a1978 airport robbery that helped inspiret he Hollywood mafia movie Goodfellas. Vincent Asarowho's 80 was cleared of murder and other crimes. Several of the gangsters involved weremurdered as the ringleader sought to eliminate witnesses. World news from the BBC.
The British Ambassador to United Nations says the Security Council is considering a range ofoptions in response of a continuing political violence in Burundi. Ambassador Matthew Rycroftthe current chairman of the council said these included sanctions against Burundians whosewords or actions fueled the bloodshed. He said the worst case scenario was that Burundi coulddescend into civil war or even genocide.
The Mexican government says the conservation campaign which also involved Canada andUnited States is expected to lead to a big increase in the number of Monarch butterfliesspending the winter in the country. On a tour of the butterfly sanctuary in Mexico, the USSecretary of the Interior Sally Jewell praised those who worked to save it. It is a testament tothe people who on these lands and care for them in a nature protected area of Mexico that yourecognized the importance of these areas for the Monarch butterfly and have really been soinstrumental in bringing them back to life when they came so close to be wiped out. The blackand orange butterfly which migrates from Canada to Mexico has suffered a 90% drop in itsnumbers in recent years as a result of pesticide use and illegal logging.
About a thousand Cuban migrants attempting to reach the United States have held a protestin Costa Rica where they've been prevented from moving onwards. One Cuban held a placardsaying we're chasing our dreams. The head of Costa Rica's migration service said the Cubanswould be returned to neighboring Panama if they'd crossed the border illegally.
Scientists are warning that a major glacier in Greenland that contains enough ice to raiseglobal sea levels by 50cm is breaking up at an ever faster rate. They say part of the ZachariaeIsstrom glacier has broken free and has now been melted by rising air temperatures fromabove and by warmer ocean currents below. That's the latest BBC news.
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