
时间:2015-11-11 11:23:09  / 编辑:danyang





  The car manufacturer Volkswagen has denied claims by US regulators that some of its luxurybrands were also fitted with devices to cheat pollution tests. The Environmental ProtectionAgency said at least 10,000 vehicles with 6 cylinders 3-liter engines such as Porsche's andAudi's were affected. Our Washington correspondent Garry explains VW's responses. Thereare a couple of statements actually which are not entirely consistent. One is from parentcompany in Germany which says there wasn't any software installed in these models they'retalking about Audi and Porsche models. They were designed to give misleading emissionslevels. Then a separate statement from Porsche, the division which says they are surprisedbecause all their information up till now, it was that cars work plant. The problem here of courseis that the man was heading up the whole group now. Matthias Muller, he used to lead thePorsche division, and there will be more questions for him now.

  The head of Russia's Federal Aviation Agency Alexander Neradko had said it was too early tospeculate what caused the crash of a Russian plane in Egypt on Saturday. The airline Metrojetsaid it ruled out pilot error or technical fault, blaming on what it called 'an external influencefor the disaster'. Mr Neradko said this view was not based on facts. All 224 people on boarddied when the plane broke up over the Sinai Peninsula. The BBC's Sara Ray is in in StPetersburg. She says the airline has been on the defensive since the disaster. The very firstpress statement that they made they were extremely and extremely defensive or ratherpeculiar attitudes I suppose you might say immediately after their plane had come down. Theirlatest statement essentially looks to be pointing the finger of blame as far away as possiblefrom the airline itself.

  A group of British MPs have strongly opposed the UK joining airstrikes against IS militants inSyria. The influential Foreign Affairs Select Committee said there should be no extension ofmilitary action without a coherent international strategy to defeat IS militants and to end thecivil war in Syria. The committee says the government's focus on extending air strikes is adistraction from the task of resolving the conflict.

  The three owners of a night club in the Romania capital Bucharest where 31 died in a fire onFriday who have been arrested on suspension of man slaughter. James Kelly reports.

  Prosecutors said the men were questioned for several hours about the blaze which startedwhen firework set off by band performing in the venue ignited the insulation foam on the pillarand spread quickly. More than 400 people were inside the building, many were trapped as theytried to leave by the one small exit. Romanian media and witnesses have questioned the safetyprocedures of the club, the absence of the emergency exit and the use of flammable materialto sun proof the building. More than 130 people are still in hospital, half of them are in a criticalcondition. James Kelly reporting. World news from the BBC.

  The BBC has received pictures of what appeared to be a rocket making factory belonging to theIS group Boko Haram in northeast Nigeria. The pictures show a number of freshly made rocketsin what is believed to be a laboratory at college in Borno state.

  The Vatican says and a priest and a former employee have been arrested on suspension ofleaking confidential documents to journalists. The leaked papers form the basis of twoforthcoming books on the state of Vatican’s finances. Both of those arrested were members ofcommission set up by Pope Francis to help reform the church bureaucracy.

  Police in Lyon have arrested 2 French pilots who fled the Dominican Republic last week afterbeing convicted of drug trafficking. Bosca Forry and Bruno Rondo have been sentenced 20years in jail after 26 suitcases stuffed with cocaine were found on their plane. According toFrench media, the men escaped from the Dominican Republic with the help of a formerintelligence agents. The 2 pilots denied the charges. The authorities in the Dominican Republicsay they will seek their extradition.

  President Obama has signed into law a two-year budget without which the government couldhave defaulted on its debts by Tuesday. The deal passed by congress last week allows thegovernment to increase spending by an extra 80 billion dollars. President Obama praiseddemocratic and republican leaders for compromising. I'll take it as a signal of how Washingtonshould work and my hope is now to build on this agreement with spending bills that alsoinvested America's priorities without giving sidetrack by a whole bunch of ideological issues thathave nothing to do with our budget.

  A new star trek television series is to be produced but it won't include Captain Kerk and Mr.Spoke. The US TV network CBS said the series would premiere in January 2017 and wouldintroduce new characters and new civilizations. It's unclear when the rest of the world will seeit. BBC news.

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  • 姓名:孟帆







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