无缘恋人 We're Not Supposed To Be Lovers

时间:2015-10-26 11:09:44  / 编辑:danyang





  Picture a place that's far from danger

  picture: n. 照片,图画;影片;局面;状况;化身 vt. 画;想像;描写

  to get the picture 明白,了解

  If i ask you for $5 and I ask my friends'for another 5 dollars, I'll have $10, get the picture?如果我向你要5美元,再向我的朋友要5美元,那么我就有10美元了,懂了么?

  I'm sorry if I seem like a bimbo, but I love to look at pretty things, hear pretty sounds, think pretty thoughts... you get the picture.抱歉如果我看起来像没大脑的女生﹐可是我就爱看漂亮的东西﹐听好听的声音,想美好的事情啊…你明白的啦。(Bimbo蠢女人;漂亮但没头脑的女人)

  out of the picture 出局;不知情

  Once he's out of the picture, the company will be ours for the taking.只要他一出局,公司就是我们的囊中之物啦。(for the taking 供自由拿取;免费奉送;束手就擒)

  A nicer place to cash your chips.

  cash:n 现金;v 兑现;换取现金

  cash cow: n.摇钱树;最赚钱的商品

  I need to find a cash cow so that I can get rich and retire early.我需要找棵摇钱树,这样我就可以变得有钱,早点儿退休了。

  I'd love to go for dinner with you guys, but I'm a bit strapped for cash.我很想和你们一起吃晚餐,可是我有点缺钱。(strap v.用带子系;包扎;给…打绷带 n.带子; strapped adj, 身无分文的;资金短缺的)

  I need a raise , you know, I'm kinda strapped. 我要加薪,我身无分文了。

  cash on delivery 货到付款〔COD〕

  I'm not the one holding you hostage.

  hostage n. 人质;抵押品;不由自主的人

  The hostage's mouth was taped. 人质的嘴被用胶布封住了。

  to hold sb hostage:把某人当人质

  (叫人等电梯:hold it please.)

  Now who's the one in charge

  be in charge: 看管,分管,负责,主管

  You are in charge of the job. How could you evade the issue? 你是负责人, 你怎么能故意逃避这个问题?(evade v逃避;回避;躲避)

  What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.女人真正想要的是能够主宰自己的命运。

  Mike has never worked in advertising before. Having him in charge of the new recruits is like the blind leading the blind.迈克以前从没从事过广告方面的工作。由他来带新人那纯粹是不懂瞎指挥。(the blind leading the blind瞎子给瞎子引路)

  Picture a wounded entertainer


  Michael Jackson is the world's greatest entertainer.迈克尔杰克逊是世界上最伟大的娱乐大师。

  Unfortunately, he and his family were poor, and he knew that he would have to postpone his dream of becoming an entertainer.不幸的是,他的家庭不富裕,他知道他不得不推迟实现成为艺人的梦想了。




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