伤心舞步 Too Hurt To Dance

时间:2015-08-04 14:39:47  / 编辑:fairy





  Too hurt to dance

  hurt: v.受伤;感到疼痛;使不快;使烦恼 n.委屈;心灵创伤


  A: I don"t think I want to see you anymore.我不想再看到你。

  B: Ok, that hurts.呃,这话可有点伤人。

  It won't hurt you to be a bit more serious.认真一点你会死啊?/认真一点对你没有坏处。

  She looked at him with a hurt expression on her face. 她望着他,一脸受伤的表情。

  My head started spinning

  spin: vi. 快速旋转; 眩晕 n.旋转的行为; 快速的旋运动; 眩晕; 疾驰

  All those figures make my poor head spin.那么多数字把我搞得头昏脑胀。

  He spun the wheel sharply and made a U-turn in the middle of the road.他猛打方向盘,在路中间掉头。

  in a spin感到惊慌失措

  Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party. 可怜的简对这次聚会真有些不知所措。

  My mouth was feeling dry

  dry adj.干的,干燥的,干旱的; vt.从…去掉水分,使…变干; 脱水保存

  Sensitive skin is usually very dry, tends to feel tight, and becomes inflamed and irritated easily.敏感性皮肤经常十分的干燥,紧绷,很容易红肿发炎。(inflamed [in'flemd] adj. 发炎的;红肿的; irritated adj(身体一部分因刺激而)疼痛的,发炎的,发红的 )

  air dry 空气干燥;风干

  Store your toothbrush in an upright position, if possible, and allow it to air dry until using it again. 如果可以,请将牙刷头朝上竖立摆放,并自然风干,以备下次使用。(upright adj. 正直的,诚实的;垂直的)

  milk/suck sb/sth dry 吸干;耗尽

  She'll suck you dry 她会把你榨干的。

  He said I stood out from the crowd

  stand out突出;引人注目;清晰地显出

  Her talents stand out in comparison with the others. 和其他那些人比起来,她的才能很突出 (comparison [k洂'p爀樀猂()n] n. 比较;对照;比喻;比较关系)。

  How do you stand out from the competition? 你该如何从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出呢?

  stand out from the crowd鹤立鸡群;脱颖而出

  People with noble intentions are found everywhere, but people with “force of character” stand out from the crowd. 品德高尚的人随处可见,但只有拥有“人格力量”的人才能在人群中脱颖而出。

  He offered me a friendly face to wipe away my frown

  wipe:vt.擦,拭; 擦去,消除; 涂上; 刷卡 n.擦,拭; 抹布,毛巾; 用力打

  Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again? 为什么不洗心革面、从头来过呢?(slate:石板;记录,记载;wipe the slate clean 勾销往事)

  wipe away=wipe off 除去;还清;洗刷

  He wiped away the grease from the windshield of the car.他擦去了汽车挡风玻璃上的油渍。

  Tell him how much it'll cost and that should wipe the smile off his face.告诉他要花多少钱他准笑不出来。

  Wipe that smile off your mug!别嘻皮笑脸! (n.马克杯,杯子; <口>容易受骗的人; <俚>脸;)<俚><口>





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