For Mr de Danne the parties share an aversion to the euro and, more widely, to the EU'sfederalist dream. They oppose globalisation and favour protectionism. They seek a “Europe ofhomelands”, stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok. As for Ukraine, he calls the revolution inKiev “illegitimate” and says the referendum in Crimea was justified by the pro-Russiansentiment of the Crimean population. By attaching themselves to the EU and America,Ukraine's new rulers expose their country to IMF oppression and the pillage of its naturalresources. Such dalliance with Mr Putin may create trouble for Mr Wilders, who sees the EU as amonster but is a strong supporter of gay rights. According to Mr de Danne, the Euroscepticalliance has agreed to co-ordinate only on internal EU matters, not international affairs.
在(Mr de Danne)看来,这些党派均憎恶欧元,或说得更广些,均不认同欧盟未来的联邦蓝图。他们反对全球主义,支持保护主义。他们在寻找“欧洲家园”,该版图横跨里斯本至符拉迪沃斯托克(俄罗斯一城市)。至于乌克兰,他称的基辅革命(乌克兰共和国首都)是非法的,克里米亚的公投因本国的亲俄情感是合理公正的。乌克兰新任领导人亲附欧盟与美国,实质上是置本国于国际货币基金组织压迫之下,置国内自然资源于遭掠夺境地。如此与普京拉近关系,之后或许会给那位视欧盟为禽兽却大赞同性恋关系威尔德(Mr Wilders)带来诸多麻烦。据(Mr de Danne)透露,反欧联盟已达成协议,仅就欧盟内部事务展开合作,国际事务不在合作范围之内。
A degree of admiration for Mr Putin also stretches to Britain's UK Independence Party (UKIP).It sees Ms Le Pen and Mr Wilders as too tainted by racism and is parting ways with theNorthern League. But UKIP's leader, Nigel Farage, while insisting he dislikes Mr Putin's methods,thinks the Russian leader has skilfully wrong-footed America and Europe. The EU, he declared ina televised debate, “has blood on its hands” for raising Ukraine's hopes of EU membership andprovoking Mr Putin. Mr Farage's critique is perhaps a way of attacking the EU's enlargementpolicy, which is now linked by many to immigration. Yet it is also an implicit admission that theclub remains attractive to those outside it.
追捧普京热潮已袭至英国独立党(UKIP)。它认为马琳·勒庞 and 威尔德已被民族主义冲昏头脑,正和北方联盟分道扬镳。英国独立党领袖奈杰尔·法拉奇(Nigel Farage)尽管不认同普京的处事方法,但仍觉得这位俄罗斯总统巧妙地将美国和欧盟打得措手不及。一次,他在电视辩论上曾批判欧盟“双手沾满血腥味儿”,因为是它挑起俄米争端进而引发战争,是它鼓吹乌克兰心生独立入欧的想法并迫害普京。奈杰尔·法拉奇如此批判欧盟,或许意在攻击欧盟的扩张策略,这种策略现多和移民相关联。然而,无可否认的是,正如城外人总是想往城内挤,许多非欧盟成员仍是热切希望加入该组织。
Hello, Comrade
Mr Putin is too clever to rely only on Europe's insurgent parties, successful as some may be. Soas well as cultivating anti-establishment groups, he has worked to entice national elites. WhileJobbik advocates closer economic relations with the east, Hungary's Prime Minister, ViktorOrban, is already doing it. A veteran of the struggle against communism, embodying thecatchphrase “Goodbye, Comrade”, Mr Orban recently signed a deal with Russia to expand anuclear-power plant, financed by a 10 billion ($14 billion) Russian loan. He has sought toweaken European sanctions against Russia. In Italy the Northern League's leader, MatteoSalvini, may shout “viva the referendum in Crimea”, but Matteo Renzi, the centre-left primeminister, has also been assiduous in resisting tough sanctions.
虽然单靠欧洲那些叛党,普京或许就能实现自己的目标,但他非常精明,在这过程中还动用了其它力量。一方面鼓吹建立反欧盟组织,另一方面还诱使国家精英为其所用。尽管还在提议加强与东欧的经济联系,匈牙利总理维克多·奥班(Viktor Orban)早已将其付诸实践。维克多·奥班驰骋打倒共产主义战场多年,充分阐述了“再见,战友”这一短语。近期,他与俄签署了扩建核发电站的协议,将得到俄100亿英镑(140亿美元)的经济援助。他竭力削减欧盟对俄罗斯的国际制裁。意大利北方联盟领袖马特奥·萨利维尼(Matteo Salvini)也许会呼喊“克米利亚公投万岁”,但中左翼总理马特奥·兰奇(Matteo Renzi)也在奋力抵制严格的国际制裁。
Anti-EU parties will no doubt become stronger and noisier, but they lack the numbers and thecohesion fundamentally to change EU business in the European Parliament. Their effect will bemore subtle. They may force mainstream parties in the parliament into more backroom deals,deepening the EU's democratic deficit. Their agitation is more likely to influence nationalpolitics and to push governments into more Eurosceptic positions. And they will provide an echochamber for Mr Putin, making it harder still for the Europeans to come up with a firm and unitedresponse to Mr Putin's military challenge to the post-war order in Europe. There is more atstake in May than a protest vote.
重点讲解 well as 既…又…; 除…之外
例句:He was suffering from shock as well as theafter-effects of drugs.
2.for instance 例如;比如;举例说
例句:Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent ofjust twenty kilos of oil per head a year.
比如说,埃塞俄比亚每年的人均消费支出仅相当于20公斤的石油。 fact 实际上,其实
例句:You have to admit that you are,in fact, in difficulties.
4.according to 根据;按照;依照
例句:He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.
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