经济学人:俄罗斯的隐形朋友 为何欧洲民粹派与激进派皆欣赏普京

时间:2015-09-21 10:32:06  / 编辑:danyang




  Russia's friends in black


  Why Europe's populists and radicals admire VladimirPutin


  IF EUROPE'S far-right parties do as well as many expect in May's European election, no worldleader will be happier than Vladimir Putin. For a man who claims to be defending Russian-speakers in Ukraine against fascists and Nazis, the Russian president has some curiousbedfellows on the fringes of European politics, ranging from the creepy uniformed followers ofJobbik in Hungary to the more scrubbed-up National Front in France.





  There was a time when Russia's friends were principally on the left. There are still some pro-Moscow communists, for instance in Greece. But these days the Kremlin's chums are mostvisible on the populist right. The crisis in Ukraine has brought out their pro-Russiansympathies, most overtly when a motley group of radicals was invited to vouch for Crimea'sreferendum on rejoining Russia. The “observers” included members of the National Front,Jobbik, the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Austria's Freedom Party (FPO) and Italy's NorthernLeague, as well as leftists from Greece and Germany and an assortment of eccentrics. Theydeclared that the ballot, denounced by most Western governments as illegitimate, had beenexemplary.


  So what does Europe's far right see in Mr Putin? As nationalists of various stripes, theirsympathies might have lain with their Ukrainian fellows fighting to escape Russian influence. Infact, argues Peter Kreko of Political Capital, a Hungarian think-tank, beyond favourabletreatment in Russian-sponsored media, many are attracted by Mr Putin's muscular assertionof national interests, his emphasis on Christian tradition, his opposition to homosexuality andthe way he has brought vital economic sectors under state control. For some, pan-Slavic ideasin eastern Europe play a role. A common thread is that many on the far right share Mr Putin'shatred for an order dominated by America and the European union   . For Mr Putin, support fromthe far right offers a second channel for influence in Europe.


  The flirtation with Russia first became apparent in eastern Europe some years ago, despitememories of Soviet occupation. Jobbik, which took 20% of the vote in Hungary's recentelection, denounced Russian riots in Estonia after the removal of a Soviet war memorial in2007. But a year later it backed Russia's military intervention in Georgia. Far-right parties inBulgaria and Slovakia also supported Russia. Since then, Russian influence has becomeapparent in western Europe, too. Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, has been givenred-carpet treatment in Moscow and even visited Crimea last year. At December's congress ofItaly's Northern League, pro-Putin officials were applauded when they spoke of sharing“common Christian European values”. Among those attending were three nascent allies: GeertWilders of the Netherlands' Party for Freedom, Heinz-Christian Strache of the FPO, and Ludovicde Danne, Ms Le Pen's European adviser.

  最先和俄罗斯套近乎的是东欧地区,发生于数年前,尽管它有过被苏维埃侵占的历史。不久前的匈牙利选举大会上,选民占20%的“为了更好的匈牙利运动”曾在07年当全国已然忘却苏维埃对其的侵占史后,公开谴责俄罗斯在乔治亚州发动的暴乱。然而,一年过后,格鲁吉亚转而赞同俄军事干涉乔治利亚。保加利亚和的极右党同样也支持俄罗斯。从此,俄在西欧的影响力也已显露无疑。 法国民族阵线领袖马琳·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)去年已在莫斯科受到红毯待遇,甚至还访问了克米利亚。12月,意大利的北方联盟国会上,当亲普京官员发言共同拥护欧洲基督教价值观时,博得阵阵掌声。当时的参会人员为三大新生盟友:荷兰右翼自由党领袖威尔德(Geert Wilders)、奥地利自由党领袖海因茨.斯特拉赫(Heinz-Christian Strache)和马琳·勒庞的欧洲顾问Ludovic de Danne(没查到译名)。

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