经济学人:巴西经济稍好于预期 新加坡少年不当言论惹来横祸

时间:2015-09-01 14:17:47  / 编辑:fairy

  Brazil's economy grew by 0.1% last year, slightly better than had been thought. One reason for this was that it counted R&D as an investment rather than as a cost, in line with international accounting standards. This year output will be depressed by spending cuts and higher interest rates. The economy is expected to contract by about 1%.


  Out of the frying pan…?


  The government in Thailand said it would soon end the martial law it introduced last May. But it wants to bring in possibly more draconian restrictions under Article 44 of a new constitution that will give it wide-ranging powers to detain anyone who threatens to “disrupt or suppress” national security.


  A blogger who posted writings criticising Islam was hacked to death in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Washiqur Rahman's murder comes just a month after Avijit Roy, a liberal Bangladeshi writer based in America, was killed in a machete attack during a visit to Dhaka to attend a book fair.


  In Singapore a teenager was arrested after a video he posted celebrating the death of Lee Kuan Yew, the city-state's long-serving prime minister, appeared to criticise Christianity. The 16-year-old was charged with breaking Singapore's strict hate-speech laws and will be tried as an adult.


  Not doing their homework


  A deadline passed for countries to submit their proposals on tackling greenhouse-gas emissions in time for a big conference in Paris in December at which a new climate treaty will be signed. Disappointingly, only a handful of countries, including America, but not China, have handed in their plans, making negotiations ahead of the conference all the more tricky.


  Harry Reid of Nevada, who has led the Senate Democrats since 2005, said he would not seek re-election in 2016. He endorsed Chuck Schumer of New York to succeed him as minority leader. His Senate seat is now up for grabs; and there is a chance that America will finally be able to store nuclear waste safely in Yucca Mountain, a site in Nevada that Mr Reid long blocked.


  Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, asked the state legislature to amend the state's new “religious freedom” act to make it clear that it does not allow businesses to discriminate against gay people. The law has sparked protests and boycott threats. The governor of Connecticut banned state-funded travel to Indiana, although Connecticut also has a nearly identical law, as do about 20 states in all. Arkansas's legislature passed a similar bill on March 31st.






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