世卫:寨卡病毒再蔓延 东南亚严阵以待

时间:2016-09-13 14:48:44  / 编辑:Abby

  WHO Concerned About Zika's Spread inSoutheast Asia

  The World Health Organization is increasinglyconcerned about the spread of the Zika virus inSoutheast Asia.

  The United Nations organization is worried the virus,which is carried by mosquitos, could affect local populations in the area.

  Roderico Ofrin is the WHO regional emergencies director for Southeast Asia. He said countriesneed to carry out, in his words, "effective surveillance and reporting systems" to closelyobserve the disease's spread.

  "WHO is working with countries across the South East Asia region to continue to prevent,detect and respond to Zika virus transmission," Ofrin said in an email to VOA.

  He said the plan to deal with the disease places importance on limiting the spread of thedisease and strengthening Zika virus and birth-defect surveillance.

  He added that increasing the abilities of laboratories to test for the disease and increasingcommunication with communities were also important.

  What is Zika?

  Zika is blamed for causing the birth defect microcephaly, which can cause babies to be bornwith unusually small heads and possible brain damage.

  So far, South America has suffered the most from the Zika virus. Brazil has reported hundredsof cases of microcephaly since the outbreak started there in 2015.

  Now, the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases has identified China, India, Indonesia,the Philippines and Thailand as high-risk countries.

  The medical publication also said that Africa south of the Sahara Desert faced increased riskbecause of its historical ties with Brazil.

  It warned that an estimated 2.6 billion people live in places where conditions for the spread ofthe virus exist. Pregnant women are most at risk.

  Health officials say the virus also is spread through sexual contact, blood transfusions andfrom mother to child.

  The Zika virus also has been linked to nerve damage that can result in weakened muscles andparalysis known as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

  Zika in Southeast Asia

  Southeast Asian governments have increased efforts to find evidence of the virus.

  They have also sprayed chemicals in places where mosquitos breed.

  However, Singapore has reported more than 240 cases. Malaysia and Thailand also havereported cases of infection, and the United States, Britain, Australia and Taiwan have giventravel warnings for pregnant women.

  Singapore's Ministry of Health and National Environment Agency reported that the Zika virusaffecting its community came from Asia. It said it did not come from Brazil.

  Local news agencies in Thailand reported comments of a top official in the ministry of PublicHealth's Department of Disease Control. The official said Zika has not become a seriousoutbreak in the country.

  However, Thai Public Health Ministry officials say two women in the San Sai district of the city ofChiang Mai are being closely watched.

  I'm Mario Ritter.

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