
时间:2016-09-22 10:51:46  / 编辑:Abby

  Foreign Diplomats and U.S. Officials Clean aFlorida Beach

  Last Friday was an unusual day for severaldiplomats in the U.S. state of Florida. The U.S.Department of State gathered consular officers fromAfrica, Europe and Latin America to pick garbage offthe beach in Key Biscayne.

  Their efforts supported a program called the International Coastal Cleanup of Beaches. Thisprogram aims to clean garbage out of oceans and off beaches.

  The International Coastal Cleanup also tries to bring attention to the issue of pollution in theworld's oceans.

  U.S. Department of State official Clifton Seagroves said protecting the world's oceans is veryimportant.

  "We want to bring attention to ... pollution, microbeads, plastics ... which causes problems forthe whole world."

  A 2015 Reuters news service report stated scientists believe more than nine million tons ofgarbage are in the world's oceans.

  Uruguay's consul, Lourdes Bonet, said she felt it was her duty to help with the efforts.

  "A person continues to live in the place where he or she lives," she said. "And they must returnall that hospitality that has been received."

  Ecuador's consul, Eduardo Rivadeneira, praised the efforts to clean the beach.

  "I had never come to this park and I think it's spectacular," he said. "Everyone is from all overthe world sharing this great moment."

  The group was able to remove almost 550 kilograms of garbage from the Key Biscayne beachby the end of the day. This same amount usually takes a week to remove.

  I'm Pete Musto.

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