密谋"罢黜"罗塞夫 新任计划部长辞职

时间:2016-06-01 14:50:17  / 编辑:Abby

  Did Brazil's Planning Minister Plot AgainstRousseff?

  Brazil's planning minister resigned from office onMonday after a recording of him was made public.

  The recording appears to show Romero Jucaplotting the impeachment of now-suspendedPresident Dilma Rousseff. He reportedly was talking with a former oil company official about howto stop a corruption investigation.

  Juca denies the allegations. He claimed that the words he said were taken out of context.

  On Monday, the planning minister said he would temporarily resign from the actinggovernment. He had been in office less than two weeks.

  The Brazilian newspaper Folha published a partial transcript of the recording on Monday. TheReuters news agency reports that the paper said the recording was made "secretly."

  In it, Juca and the former oil company official, Sergio Machado, discuss a governmentinvestigation of the state-operated oil company Petrobras. Both men have been named in theinvestigation.

  In the transcript, Juca said "We have to change the government so the bleeding is stopped."

  Machado reportedly said that, "The easiest solution is to put Michel in." That appears to referto Vice President Michel Temer, Brazil's acting president during the suspension of Rousseff.

  Juca is reported to have said he was working with the country's justices, who have the finalword on impeachment.

  The recording was apparently made in March before the Senate voted to impeach Rousseff.

  Rousseff's supporters say the recording shows that she is the victim of an attempt tooverthrow the government.

  The Brazilian Senate voted to place Rousseff on trial earlier this month. She is charged withusing record-keeping tricks to hide Brazil's budget deficit when she campaigned for reelection in2014.

  She currently is suspended for up to 180 days while her trial takes place.

  I'm Jonathan Evans.

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