Fire in Thailand Kills at Least 18 School Girls
At least 18 young girls are dead after a fire at aboarding school in northern Thailand.
Officials told the Associated Press that the victimswere between five and 12 years old.
The fire started late Sunday in a wooden, two-floordormitory. News reports said a total of 38 students lived in the building. It is part of a privateChristian school near the city of Chiang Rai, about 800 kilometers north of Bangkok.
About 400 day students and boarders attend the school. Most of the students are said to beethnic minorities.
An official from the school said the fire started on the lower level of the dormitory. That floorwas used for activities. The second floor was used as the sleeping area.
Officials say five girls were injured. Two of them were reported to have suffered serious injury.The Reuters news service said 15 girls escaped without injury.
One girl said, "We remembered some lessons from Girl Scouts to tie cloth together to make along rope. We climbed out of the window."
Firefighters put out the fire in three hours. Thai officials are investigating the cause of theblaze.
I'm Bryan Lynn.
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