Movie Superheroes Divided in 'Captain America:Civil War'
Disney Studios has broken another earnings recordand “Captain America” helped make it happen.
The latest in the movie series, “Captain America: CivilWar,” opened nationwide in the United States on May6. On May 7, ticket sales for the film pushed Disney over the $1 billion mark for 2016 in theUnited States.
It was 128 days into 2016. Disney broke the record set last year by Universal Studios. It soldits first billion dollars’ worth of tickets in 165 days.
Universal’s sales came from new films in popular movie series like Jurassic Park, Fast andFurious and Despicable Me.
This year, two other Disney movies, “The Jungle Book” and “Zootopia,” have earned more than$500 million between them. The critics have mostly praised them.
Reviews are also mostly favorable for “Captain America: Civil War.” The Avengers superherogroup finds itself divided in this latest film. The crime fighters are working to stop a terroristoperation in Nigeria. But they mistakenly kill civilians in their effort. The United Nations decidesto order measures to more closely supervise the crime fighters.
That issue leads to a dispute among the superheroes.
Captain America, played by Chris Evans, is on the side of independence from the U.N. Hisfriend, Iron Man Tony Stork, disagrees.
Chris Evans explains the importance of the plot device.
“It’s not enemy vs. hero, villain vs. hero. It’s friends. It’s family. This is sometimes the mostdramatic conflict — when it’s people that have a history and care about each other."
The movie raises timely questions: Who polices the police? What is the right amount ofgovernmental supervision over those who fight the war against terror? Who should ordermilitary intervention?
The filmmakers have put superheroes into a real human situation.
Joe Russo is a co-director of "Captain America: Civil War.”
"It’s very complicated and hard to decide who’s right and who’s wrong.”
Actor Robert Downey Jr. again returns to the series to play Tony Stark. Also back are actorsScarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow; and Don Cheadle as LieutenantJames Rhodes, the War Machine.
I’m Dorothy Gundy.
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