Trending Today: Kobe Bryant’s Final NBA Game
This is What's Trending Today.
The regular National Basketball Association, or NBA,season ended on Wednesday night with twomemorable games.
In one, the Golden State Warriors from Oakland,California won their 73rd game of the season, setting an NBA record for wins in a season.
Also on Wednesday, Kobe Bryant played his final game for the Los Angeles Lakers. He scored60 points and helped Los Angeles defeat the Utah Jazz.
Bryant played 20 years for the Lakers. During that time, the team won five NBA championships.
Earlier this season, Bryant said this year would be his last. He finished his playing career withover 33,000 points. That makes him third on the all-time scoring list.
This season was a largely ceremonial one for Bryant as he said goodbye to NBA fans from coastto coast. Every game he played away from Los Angeles had a large crowd. Many people wantedto see him play one last time.
Wednesday night, he played his last Lakers' game. A lot of famous players and people came tothe Staples Center in Los Angeles to watch.
Fans even signed a big goodbye message for him at the sports center.
But many people did not know what to expect in Bryant's last game. In recent years, he misseda lot of games because of injuries.
This season, the Lakers were not a good team. They only won 17 of 82 games. But Bryantsaved a truly amazing performance for last. He scored 60 points, including the shot that gavehis team the lead late in the game. Los Angeles defeated Utah, 101 to 96.
After the game, Bryant said "I can't believe this happened, this is crazy to me! What? There isno way I could possibly imagine this happening."
Lots of people watched the television broadcast of the game, making Bryant one of the toptrending topics overnight on Twitter. But since the game was played in California, many peopleon the East Coast missed it and woke up to see the news on Thursday morning.
Also Wednesday night, Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors defeated the MemphisGrizzlies, 125-104.
By doing so, Golden State set a record for wins in a season. They broke the record of 72 winsset by Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls 20 years ago.
Steph Curry scored 46 points in the game Wednesday night. He made 10 three-point shots toreach 402 for the season. In basketball, most shots are worth two points. But you get an extrapoint if you shoot it from 6.7 or more meters away from the basketball hoop.
Steve Kerr is the coach of the Warriors. He was a player on that Chicago Bulls team. "I'd neverin a million years would have guessed that that record would ever be broken," he said.
The website says Curry is so good that he is leading a "revolution" in the NBA andchanging some of the ideas about how the game is supposed to be played.
But wait. If you liked Wednesday, the exciting night was just the beginning. There are moregames coming soon. The NBA playoffs start Saturday. They continue until a team wins thechampionship sometime in June.
And That's What's Trending Today.
I'm Dan Friedell.
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