海平面上升速度破纪录 人为排放为主因

时间:2016-03-22 10:43:11  / 编辑:Abby

  Sea Levels and Arctic Temperatures Rise

  Scientists found sea levels are rising faster todaythan anytime over the past 3,000 years.

  Another group of scientists found that Januarytemperatures in the Arctic hit a record high.

  The sea level researchers gathered information goingback 28 centuries. Their findings were released Monday by the Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences.

  Robert Kopp, from Rutgers University in New Jersey, is the paper's lead author. He said the20th century rise was "extraordinary" when compared to the past 3,000 years.

  And, Kopp said, "the rise over the last two decades has been even faster."

  When temperatures rise, so do sea levels. That is because snow and ice melt, or break off fromglaciers. They flow into the sea. The increased water makes the sea levels rise.

  The best estimates show that temperatures around the Earth have risen more than a half-degree Celsius since 1880. Scientists say that most of that rise is because of emissions, orgases, released into the air by machines that humans have built.

  And it is not going to get better. The water is going to rise, said Stefan Rahmstorf. He is aprofessor of ocean physics at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germanyand the study's co-author.

  "I think we can definitely be confident that sea level rise is going to continue to accelerate ifthere's further warming," he told The New York Times. He said "inevitably there will be" morewarming, which means it will continue to rise.

  One question is how much will the sea levels rise? And for how long? The researchers said theEarth's sea level could rise more than a meter by the year 2100.

  Scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration reported thattemperatures at the North Pole hit record highs in January.

  This news comes after 2015 has been the hottest year ever recorded.

  On average, the North was almost 4 degrees Celsius higher in January than averagetemperatures between the years 1951 and 1980. This news comes after researchers reported arecord low amount of sea ice up North. The National Snow and Ice Data Center said the amountof January sea ice is 644,000 square kilometers below average.

  Scientists point to "The Blob," or an unusually warm area of water in the northern Pacific Ocean.It is millions of kilometers wide and keeps temperatures about three degrees warmer than usualin that area.

  I'm Anne Ball.

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