
时间:2016-03-16 10:01:25  / 编辑:Abby

  WASHINGTON — As diplomatic efforts continuein hopes of containing the crisis in Ukraine, theU.S. Congress is expected to finalize an aidpackage for Kyiv and sanctions against Russiafor its annexation of Crimea. A bill likely will goto the White House for President BarackObama’s signature Tuesday.

  As Russian forces mass along Ukraine’s southern and eastern borders, the U.S. House ofRepresentatives is preparing to give Congress’ final approval to $1 billion in loan guaranteesfor Ukraine and economic penalties against Russian officials. House Speaker John Boehner.

  “Our goal is to work together and to get this bill done as quickly as possible,” said Boehner.

  Debate in both houses of Congress has featured some of the fiercest rhetoric aimed at Russiasince the Cold War. Republican Senator John McCain compared Russia's territorial expansionunder President Vladimir Putin to that of Germany under Adolph Hitler.

  “It is obvious, with his troops massed on the borders of eastern Ukraine, he is contemplatingfurther action. Whether he does so or not, I am not sure. But I think his calculation has got todo with the cost-benefit ratio of further aggression against a sovereign nation,” said McCain.

  Although it has taken lawmakers several weeks to settle on exact measures to back Kyiv andpunish Moscow, their desire to act was never in doubt. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez.

  “The world is watching, and the world's superpower cannot be seen as incapable of rising toRussia's challenge,” said Menendez.

  Russia has both condemned and downplayed the significance of international sanctions. Whilepursuing a diplomatic track to contain the crisis, the Obama administration says Moscowmust pay a price for its actions.

  “The sanctions that the United States and the European union   have imposed will continue togrow if Russia does not change course. But as I said in Brussels, we are continually hopeful thatRussia wants to walk through the door of diplomacy and works with all of us to try to resolvethis issue in a peaceful way,” said Obama.

  But Russia rejects calls for Crimea to be returned to Ukraine. Russia’s ambassador inWashington, Sergey Kislyak, “Crimea is part of the Russian Federation.”

  Asked if Russia will seize more Ukrainian territory, the ambassador said, “We are not planningto.”

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