
时间:2015-12-28 09:59:21  / 编辑:Abby

  WASHINGTON — There’s a saying that a pictureis worth a thousand words. That may beespecially true these days with the huge amountof what are called "selfies" on the Internet. Thispopular trend of taking a picture of yourself hasbecome pervasive.

  The pope’s doing it, President Barack Obama’s doing it, and celebrities like singer Justin Bieberare doing it ALL the time. Selfies.

  “I think a lot of people link it to their identity that a selfie is capturing something that they canshow to the world that represents themselves,” said Nathaniel Herr, a psychology professor atAmerican University in Washington. He explained why the younger generation, in particular, istaking and posting selfies.

  “They’re more comfortable with seeing themselves and thinking about themselves thanprevious generations were,” he said.

  College student Kaitlin Lehmann said they’re just another way her generation communicates. “Like today, I was pissed [angry] about being here at school because it’s Monday, so I sent asnapshot to my friend, and he responded with a similar face that he also did not like Mondays.”

  Another student, Alyssa Jones, compares them to a conversation that has stopped in time. “Well, there’s the ‘it’s been a really long day’ so you do like the stare, and then there’s theexcited like [shows excited face].”

  Lehman said it’s important to her that she can control the images and decide when and whereto post them.

  “Like this past weekend, I just got this nose ring, and so I was really excited about it, so I senteveryone a picture of me and my new nose ring,” she said.

  Some people think selfies are simply narcissistic. A YouTube video by the Chainsmokers makesfun of them.

  Lehman, however, looks at the selfie another way. “It could be a form of art. Van Gogh paintedpictures of himself and so did Rembrandt,” she said.

  A recent study on selfies shows that young people worldwide express themselves differently.Research at the City University of New York compared selfies in five cities -- Moscow, Berlin,New York, Tokyo and Sao Paulo. Lev Manovich, who headed the project, said the averageperson is about 24 years old.

  “The strongest difference that we found was in the head turn, so is the head straight ordiagonal? Look at the photos from Moscow, the way girls pose is very much like a fashionmagazine. They look like models. In Brazil, they’re playing with the camera. It’s much moreinformal,” said Manovich.

  But there’s also a downside to selfies, according to both Jones and Herr.

  “I would not post anything that I wouldn’t want a potential employer to see,” said Jones.

  “When young people see celebrities posting pictures that emphasize their attractiveness, theymay get the message that's what they should be doing, that they should be emphasizing theirown physical qualities over and above all these other qualities they may have, and that can reallyaffect their self-esteem,” said Herr.

  Herr doesn’t see selfies as a trend that will go away, even as the 20-somethings get older.

  “I think as they get older you’re going to see less selfies among that specific generation, butright behind them there’s a younger group of kids waiting to come into that same phase,” hesaid.

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