
时间:2015-11-26 09:39:07  / 编辑:Abby

  WASHINGTON — The United States and its G-7partners are imposing new sanctions againstRussia. Existing sanctions have not alteredMoscow’s posture towards Ukraine, withRussian forces still massed along its bordersand a promised truce in eastern Ukraine yet tomaterialize.

  Tensions in Ukraine’s eastern territories continue to mount. Pro-Russian militias have detainedEuropean observers and seized Ukrainian security officers. Government buildings remainbarricaded, and some residents continue to agitate for local autonomy from Kyiv.

  Visiting Malaysia, U.S. President Barack Obama said volatility in eastern Ukraine is growing, notreceding, and pinned the blame on Moscow.

  “Russia has not lifted a finger to help. In fact, there is strong evidence that they have beenencouraging the kinds of activities that have been taking place in eastern and southernUkraine,” said Obama.

  Administration officials say sanctions targeting Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle willbe expanded.

  “We are going to keep on raising the consequences of Russia rejecting that path towardsdiplomacy,” said Obama.

  Some U.S. lawmakers are pressing for even tougher sanctions targeting entire sectors of theRussian economy. But Obama appeared to rule out unilateral measures to punish Moscow.

  “We are going to be in a stronger position to deter Mr. Putin when he sees that the world isunified and the United States and Europe are unified, rather than [that] this is just a U.S.-Russian conflict,” said Obama.

  Russia says it is acting to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine from a new government in KyivMoscow considers illegitimate and a threat to Russian interests.

  In Kyiv, Ukrainian former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko applauded tougher sanctionsagainst Russia.

  “I believe they will be effective. I would like the strength of these sanctions to be so intensivethat [President] Putin will stop the aggression, return to the territory of his own country, andstop destabilizing the world,” said Tymoshenko.

  Meanwhile, more U.S. soldiers are arriving in Eastern European NATO states for militaryexercises designed to send a message to Moscow. A U.S. commander said, “Should Lithuanianeed NATO, I guarantee NATO will be there.

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  • 姓名:张逸岚









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