
时间:2015-11-10 09:42:51  / 编辑:danyang


  The U.S. unemployment situation is improvinggradually but unevenly, with women, especially,recovering the jobs they lost in the recessionand adding more. Hispanic Americans were hitharder by the downturn and are recoveringmore slowly.

  The recession hit hard in the male-dominated industries of manufacturing and construction,and these sectors recovered more slowly than the rest of the economy. That’s why men nowhold hundreds of thousands fewer jobs across the economy than they did before the financialcrisis.

  Jeffrey Hayes studies this and other workforce issues at the Institute for Women's PolicyResearch in Washington.

  “Recession did start off with large drops in some fairly male-dominated fields, construction,there was a housing crisis, and construction did drop off. [During the] finance crisis, some ofthe finance jobs were again male-dominated, did go away," said Hayes.

  Large numbers of women work in education, health care, and business services, and therecession hit these areas later than the rest of the economy.

  The female-dominated sectors also recovered more quickly than construction andmanufacturing. IWPR research shows women now hold more jobs in the U.S. economy thanthey did before the financial crisis.

  The situation is more difficult for the 23 million Hispanics in the U.S. workforce.

  Hispanics historically have had a higher unemployment rate than other workers. They werebadly hurt by the recession, and are recovering more slowly than other segments of theeconomy, according to National Council of La Raza analyst Alicia Criado.

  “A majority of the jobs that have been created coming out of the recession, have been low-wage jobs, or jobs that don’t keep workers out of poverty and that is definitely the case formillions of Latino workers, who are increasingly filling jobs in the low-wage sector," she said.

  The National Council of La Raza works for civil rights for Hispanics in the U.S. It supports raisingthe minimum wage as a way to help Hispanics escape poverty.

  Criado says Hispanics are a fast-growing part of the U.S. population and will be nearly one-third of the work force by the year 2050. That, she says, makes it urgent to improve access toeducation and find other ways to help this part of the population reach its economic potential.

  And while women may be gaining more jobs than their male counterparts, a recent study sayswomen still make about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men.


  1.unevenly adv. 不均衡地;不平坦地;不平行地

  Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resourcesare very unevenly distributed.


  2.recession n. 衰退;不景气;后退;凹处

  The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.


  3.counterpart n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物

  The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.


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  • 姓名:孟帆







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