
时间:2015-10-10 09:31:26  / 编辑:danyang


  NEW YORK— The deadly Ebola virus in WestAfrica has taken the lives of more than 1,000people, according to the World HealthOrganization. In New York City, many Africansworry about their relatives and friends as theunprecedented outbreak sweeps through theregion a continent away.

  Haunting scenes of Ebola victims in West Africa are a common sight on television news. But formany West African immigrants living in New York City, the deadly outbreak is personal.

  New York City is home to more than 70,000 people born in Western Africa. Many hail fromcountries hardest hit by Ebola, including Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Many still have familyand friends in those nations.

  Like Leo Fraser, whose aunt who lives in Sierra Leone.

  “Right now the family is figuring out how to get her more supplies, so she won't have to leavethe home. You know, because the more she interacts with the general population the moreshe is at risk for contracting Ebola," said Fraser.

  Ebola has no known cure. And the current West African outbreak is on pace to infect morepeople than all the previous outbreaks combined.

  This is worrisome news in the Bronx, where half of the city’s West African population lives.Imam Mohamadou Soukona, leads his community, or jama’ah, in prayers and collectsdonations for the sick.

  “The community in the jama’ah will make a doa to pray for the people who are infected withthis disease," said Soukona.

  The mosque’s public relations manager, Bakary Camara:

  “As individuals here in this community, we warn our members to be careful of anyone that theythink might come from these areas and advise them to make sure that they look and takedoctors' advice - not to have bodily contact that will in a sense contract the disease," saidCamara.

  West African residents expressed hope the global effort to contain the disease will work, butalso frustration they could not do more to help.

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