
时间:2016-05-10 15:42:04  / 编辑:Abby

  There's a margin for error, but I'm pretty sure there's a 747 leaving Heathrow tomorrow at6.30 for Baltimore.

  还有一点没想明白 但我肯定是架波音747明天六点半将于西斯罗机场起飞 飞往巴尔的摩

  Apparently it's going to save the world, I'm not sure how, but give me a moment, I've onlybeen on the case eight seconds.

  显然这条信息能拯救世界 但我不确定怎么个救法 但等我一会 我才想了八秒钟

  Oh, come on, it's not code, these are seats on a jet.

  得了 这不是密码 是飞机上的座位

  Look, no 'I' because it can be mistaken for one. No letters past 'K'—the width of the plane isthe limit.

  看 没有字母I 因为会和数字1搞混 没有K以后的字母 因为飞机就这么宽

  The numbers alwaysappearnot in sequence, but the letters have little runs of sequence allover the place.

  数字总是不按顺序排列 但字母则几乎没有乱过顺序

  Families and couples sitting together. Only a Jumbo's wide enough for a letter 'K' or rows past55, so there's always an upstairs.

  家人和夫妻都坐在一起 只有巨型喷气式飞机的座椅才会排到K 还有55排 所以机顶上还有一层

  A row 13 eliminates superstitious airlines.


  The style of the flight number, '007', eliminates a few more.

  航班号的组合规律 007 又能排除一些信息

  Assuming a British point of origin because of the original source,


  and assuming the crisis is imminent, the only flight that matches all the criteria and departswithin the week is the 6.30 to Baltimore tomorrow from Heathrow.

  加上迫在眉睫的危机 唯一符合所有条件并且在本周起飞的飞机 就是六点半伦敦到巴尔的摩的飞机

  Please don't feel obliged to tell me that was amazing, John's expressed that in every possiblevariant available in English.

  别急着要赞扬我 约翰已经这么干过了 他用光了所有表示赞扬的词语

  I would have you right here, on this desk, until you begged for mercy twice.

  我真想在这个书桌上要了你 要到你求饶 还是两次

  John, can youcheckthose flight schedules, see if I'm right?

  约翰 你能否查下航班表 看看我说得对不对

  I'm on it, yeah.


  I've never begged for mercy in my life. Twice.

  我这辈子都没求过绕 你这次要求饶 还是两次

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  • 姓名:孟帆







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