How much blood was on that seat, would you say?
How much? About a pint.
你问多少 大约一品脱
Not about. Exactly a pint. That was their first mistake.
就是一品脱 这是他们犯的第一个错
The blood's definitely Ian Monkford's, but it's been frozen.
肯定是伊安·蒙福德的血 但被冷冻过
Frozen?There are clear signs.
什么 显而易见
I think Ian Monkford gave a pint of his blood some time ago and that's what they spread onthe seat.
伊安·蒙福德之前给他们提供了一品脱血 而他们将其泼到车座上
Who did?
Janus Cars. The clue's in the name.
杰纳斯车行 线索里提到的名字
The god with two faces? Exactly.
就是那个双面神杰纳斯吗 正是
They provide a very special service.
If you've got any kind of a problem—money troubles,bad marriage, whatever—Janus Cars willhelp you disappear.
假如你遇到了麻烦 比如负债累累 婚姻不幸 诸如此类 杰纳斯车行能帮你销声匿迹
Ian Monkford was up to his eyes in some kind of trouble—financial at a guess, he's a banker—couldn't see a way out.
伊安·蒙福德身陷麻烦 大概是经济方面的 因为他是银行职员 出了事没法解决
But if he were to vanish, if the car he hired was found abandoned with his blood all over thedriver's seat...
但如果他就此失踪 而所租的汽车内 驾驶座上血迹斑斑...
So where is he?Colombia.
那他现在何处 哥伦比亚
Colombia?!Mr Ewart, ofJanus Cars,had a 20,000 Colombian peso note in his wallet.
哥伦比亚 杰纳斯车行的伊华先生 钱包里有张面值两万哥伦比亚比索的纸币
Quite a bit of change, too.He told us he hadn't been abroad recently,but when I asked himabout the cars,I could see his tan line clearly.
还有不少比索零钞 他说最近没有出过远门 但当我询问汽车时 看到他身上有晒痕
No one wears a shirt on a sunbed.That, plus his arm.
没人会穿着衣服做人工日光浴 还有他的胳膊
His arm?He kept scratching it. Obviously irritating him, and bleeding.
胳膊 他不停地抓 显然很不舒服 而且流血了
Why? Because he'd recently had a boosterjab.
因为他最近打过疫苗 可能是乙肝疫苗
Hep-B, probably. Difficult to tell at that distance.
距离太远 不好确定
Conclusion - he'd just come back from settling Ian Monkford into his new life in Colombia.
Mrs Monkford cashes in the life insurance,and she splits it with Janus Cars.
蒙福德夫人则领取人寿保险 跟杰纳斯车行分了
Mrs Monkford?
Oh, yes. She's in on it too.Now, go and arrest them, Inspector, that's what you do best.
对 她也参与其中 去抓他们 探长先生 你就擅长这个
We need to let our friendly bomber know that the case is solved.
我们要告诉炸弹客 这案子破了
I am on fire!
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