好男人 Better Man

时间:2016-09-20 14:43:40  / 编辑:Abby





  Feel I'm getting old before my time. 感觉自己未老先衰

  before one's time means that something happened before you were born, before you startedworking or living somewhere etc. Also, if you do something before your time, you do it beforethe time when most people usually do it in their lives. 在...之前;提前

  Don't try to make me grow up before my time.别企图叫我变得少年老成。

  I am growing old before my time.我未老先衰。

  Go easy on my conscience.不要再折磨我的良心

  Go easy on: to not use too much of something; or to be more gentle and less strict or angrywith someone. 有节制;网开一面;从宽处理

  Go easy on yourself对自己手下留情

  It was always assumed that the government would go easy on them in that regard.过去一直有这样的假设,认为政府在这方面会对它们网开一面。

  Please go easy on the criticism; you can criticize the things I do without criticizing me. 请注意批评我的方式;你可以批评我做错的事,但不要否定我这个人。

  conscience: conformity to one's own sense of right conduct.良心,道德心;道德意识

  The matter weighed upon his conscience. 这件事使他的良心痛苦不安。

  The temptation was warring with his conscience. 诱惑在与他的良心进行斗争。

  I know I've been taught to take the blame. 我已经学会了承担责任

  take the blame for something: to take the responsibility for something承担责任;引咎

  If you take the blame, you'll get the responsibility.你要是背了过,责任就是你来负了。

  Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes?我为什麽要代人受过?

  Rest assured my angels will catch my tears.我的天使无疑会带走我泪水

  Rest assured: used to tell someone not to worry, because what you say about a situation istrue. 请放心;万安;

  Please rest assured that you 'll receive the best care.请放心,你会得到最好的照顾的。

  Rest assured, there will be an encore in 2011. 放心吧,在2011年的活动中,这一切还将重演。

  Once you've found that lover, you're homeward bound.一旦找到爱人,你会有归宿感

  homeward , adj, and adv, means being oriented toward home回家的,回国的; 向家;向家乡;向本国

  Sailing homeward, it's time to go home,该回家了,我走在归途。

  The time had come to drive the goats homeward.该是把山羊赶回家去的时候了。


  He is bound by affection. 他为爱情所束缚。

  bound: adj, headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining formas westbound,eastbound.etc.向什么方向

  Eg: He took the first westbound bus which came along.他上了第一辆朝西去的公共汽车。

  I know some have fallen on stony ground.我知道有些东西已经消失在无情的土地上。

  stony: abounding in rocks or stones; hard as stone; 石头的;坚硬的;冷酷的

  The ground here is stony. 这里的地面多石。

  Two of the tyres punctured on the stony road.有两个车胎在碎石路上扎破了。

  Her stony-hearted husband showed no pity. 她的铁石心肠的丈夫毫无同情心。




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