给我个理由 Just Give Me A Reason

时间:2015-12-25 10:29:58  / 编辑:Abby






  Just Give Me A Reason

  reason n理由;原因,v 推理;讲道理

  He seems to be the right person for this position, so we have no reason to refuse him.他似乎是这个职位的最佳人选,我们没有理由将他拒之门外。

  It is useless to reason with her.跟她讲道理没用。

  看词组:in reason 合情合理的

  I'm willing to do anything in reason.只要是合情合理的事情,我都愿意做。

  out of (all) reason无理的

  To ask $5000 for a small house like that is out of all reason.那么小的一幢房子索价五千美元是没有道理的。

  for some reason:不知什么原因,不知何故

  For some reason he likes you.不知为什么他喜欢你。

  It stands to reason....人人都清楚的;明摆着的

  It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.没有人会白干活,这是明摆著的事。

  And I was your willing victim

  willing: adj.愿意的, 心甘情愿的

  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足。

  Everything is possible to a willing heart.有志者事竟成。

  My life motto is nothing is impossible to a willing heart.我的人生格言是世上无难事,只怕有心人。

  victim: n 受害者;牺牲品;受骗者

  Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.生活只不过是一场成为罪犯,而不是受害者的竞争。

  Just a second we're not broken just bent

  just a second 过几分钟;请稍等一下

  Just a second! It's my favorite song they're gonna play.等等,他们马上就要播放我最喜欢的歌。

  Excuse me. Can I talk to you over here for just a second?打扰一下!我可以跟你谈一下吗?

  We'll come clean

  come clean:v. 干净清白;全盘招供;坦白交待;

  That shirt just won't come clean.那件衬衫是洗不干净了。

  It is time to come clean on your dirty secret. 是时候坦白交待你那肮脏的秘密了。

  Your head is running wild again

  run wild:胡闹;放肆;狂暴起来;撒起野来;放荡

  Look at all the characters in his painting! The artist really let his imagination run wild.看看画中所有的人物吧!这位艺术家真的是尽情发挥了他的想像力。

  When he got drunk he began to run wild until his wife hauled him aside and calmed him down.他醉酒后便开始胡闹,直到他妻子把他硬拉到一边,并使他平静下来。

  Your eyes meet and you are drawn to a far away place where hearts run wild and free.你们的目光相遇了,于是你被带到一个遥远的地方。在那里,两颗心狂放自由地奔跑着

  And it's all in your mind



  You're hearing things, you crazy old lady! 疯老婆子,你是产生幻听啦!

  I thought I was seeing things.我还以为我产生幻觉了呢(我还以为我见鬼了呢)

  对啦,see things就是幻觉,hear things就是幻听。




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  • 姓名:丁婷婷




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