硬生地伤 Rude

时间:2015-09-23 09:57:11  / 编辑:danyang





  Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit非常生动的一句描述:周六一大早从床上跳下来,穿上最好的西装。

  两个动作jump (out of bed )and put on (my best suit)

  jump: n. 跳跃;暴涨;惊跳 vt. 跳跃;使跳跃;跳过;突升;匆匆作出; (对话题等)突然变动

  Don't jump to a conclusion不要匆匆作出结论。(conclusion [kən'kluʒn]n. 结论;结局;推论)

  suit n. 西装;套装;vt. 适合;使适应

  I'll take my swimming suit.我会带泳衣去。

  I've found a job that suits me down to the ground.我找到了一份工作,对我再合适不过了。

  Her speech was well suited to the occasion.她的讲话在这个场合十分得体。

  pantsuit 长裤套装/长裤职业女装 (上衣与裤子相配的一种女子服装)

  Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you

  race: v.全速行进(和…)比赛 n.种族;赛跑;竞争;民族

  My legs may be short. And I may be slow. But I can still beat you in a race.我的腿是短了点,我可能很慢,但是我可以在比赛中赢你

  foot race 竞走

  Despite the bad weather and ill health, he took first place in the foot race.尽管天气不好,身体又欠佳,他还是在竞走比赛中获得了第一名。

  race you 跟你赛跑;看谁快;和你比比

  I'll race you home. 我和你比赛看谁先到家。

  jet (= jet plane) 喷气式飞机; jet leg 时差

  all the way: 沿路,一路上,千里迢迢,自始至终

  A merry heart goes all the way.[谚]心情愉快, 事事顺利/ 生性乐天,终身受用。

  Don't tell me how it ends. I haven't read all the way through yet.先别告诉我书的结尾--我还没看完呢。

  You've come all the way from London to give me a lecture?你大老远从伦敦过来就为了对我说教?

  'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man

  fashion n 式样;风格;时尚;流行;风尚 vt.形成, 塑造

  old-fashioned adj. 老式的, 老派的, 守旧的

  You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.你必须打消这些过时的想法。( rid: vt. 使摆脱;使去掉)

  Our chain of small stores suddenly became old fashioned when the mega-store came to townwith its huge inventory and low prices.当带着大量库存而又价格低廉的大型超市进驻小镇时,我们的小型连锁店突然间显得过时了。(mega adj. 许多;宏大的)

  You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die你说除非我死了,否则得不到你的祝福

  blessing n.祝福, 祷告, 幸事,同意, 允许

  Good health is a blessing.健康是福。

  a blessing in disguise看似祸实是福;因祸得福;

  Not getting that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as the firm went out of businessonly a few months later.没有得到那份工作反倒是件好事,因为那家公司几个月之后就倒闭了。




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