只要你爱我 As Long As You Love Me

时间:2015-07-30 10:40:58  / 编辑:fairy




  欢迎回来。As Long As You Love Me这首歌曲是后街的专辑《Backstreet"s Back 》中的一首主打单曲。它是后街男孩的最脍炙人口的歌曲之一。虽说很老了,但是依然经典,百听不厌。好了,一起来看看今天会涉及到的单词:

  As long as you're here with me

  as long as 只要;

  I don't care how much that diamond ring costs as long as you like it.只要你喜欢,那钻石戒指花多少钱我都无所谓/我不管那钻石戒指多少钱,你喜欢就好。

  As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy. 只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。(deliver the goods 送货;完成工作;履行诺言;不负众望;达到要求)

  Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine. I'm leaving my life in your hands虽然早已习惯孤独形影相伴,我把自己交你掌管。

  Although conj. 虽然,尽管

  Although he was experienced, he was not infallible.尽管他经验丰富,却并非不会出错。(infallible [in'f氀夀戂氀崀ADJ不可能错的;不会犯错误的;永无过失的)

  Although it is tasty, crab is very filling. 螃蟹虽然好吃,却容易让人感到饱足。

  Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly. 卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子, 但他恢复得很快.(readily adv.乐意地; 快捷地; 轻而易举地; 便利地; bounce back 受挫折后恢复原状; 回声; 卷土重来)

  Don't care what is written in your history

  history: n 历史;历史记录;发展历程

  They met at college, the rest is history. 他们是在上大学时认识的,接下来的事大家都知道了。

  He had a history of drinking problems. 他有酗酒的历史。

  Nobody wanted to rake over his past history. 没人愿意重提旧事。( rake over耙出来;重提)

  People say I'm crazy and that I am blind, risking it all in a glance

  blind: vt. 使失明;使失去理智 adj. 盲目的;瞎的

  His anger blinded his reason. 愤怒使他失去了理智。

  His infatuation blinded him to her faults.他对她的迷恋使他看不见她的缺点。(infatuation n 迷恋;醉心;痴心)

  The police had turned a blind eye to the matter.警方对那件事视而不见。

  risk: v/n风险;冒险;

  This was one risk that paid off.这个险冒得挺值的。(pay off:有报偿;得到好处;得到好处)

  If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects. 不良姿势一旦定型,日后可就有你受的了。(posture [瀂儀:st夂(r)] n.姿势; 看法; 态度; 立场; habitual [h戂椀琀茀甂夀氂崀 adj.习惯的; 惯常的; 习以为常的)

  People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares.压抑情感的人容易做噩梦。(repress v.抑制; 镇压; 压抑)

  risk it all豁出去了;付出一切;放手一搏

  Doesn't really matter if you're on the run

  on the run 逃走;相反;奔逃,奔波;奔腾向前;疲于应付局面

  After a week on the run he gave himself up (to the police).他经过一周的逃亡以後(向警方)投案了。

  With three young children to take care of, Helen is kept on the run every minute of the day.要照顾三个小孩, Helen每天忙个马不停蹄的。

  讲解就这么多啦。如果有时间,大家还可以去听一听后街的Quit Playing Games With My Heart, The Call等等。





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