Europe Ireland’s budget
欧洲 爱尔兰的财政预算
Light at the end of the tunnel
Ireland’s sixth austerity budget
Since mid-2008, successive governments have taken25 billion euro ($33 billion) out of the Irish economy in tax rises and spending cuts, theequivalent of 16% of economic output in 2011. On December 5th Michael Noonan, the financeminister, removed another 3.5 billion euro when he presented the country’s sixth austeritybudget.
This is the latest instalment of an austerity plan that the government hopes will achieve twogoals. One is to enable Ireland next year to leave the 67.5 billion euro bail-out programme withthe European union , IMF and European Central Bank (ECB) agreed in 2010 and regain accessto market funding. The other is to reduce the budget deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2015. At8.2% Ireland’s budget deficit is still one of the highest in the EU.
In his budget measures, Mr Noonan broadened Ireland’s narrow revenue base. He focused onhigher-income earners. Wealthier pensioners will feel the pain: the cap on tax relief for pensioncontributions will be lower and better-off pensioners (those over 70 with incomes over 60,000euro) are hit by higher social charges. A modest residential-property tax has been introducedagainst the background of a collapse in house prices. Many new homeowners are in negativeequity, with a growing number in arrears on their mortgage payments.
The government is relying on economic growth to meet its ambitious budget targets for 2013.It is forecasting 1.5% GDP growth for next year, which seems optimistic given Ireland’sdependence on an export-led recovery to achieve it. That may prove difficult with the eurozone in recession and a weakening British economy. Another concern is the sustainability ofIreland’s public debt, which is expected to hit 118% of GDP this year. Almost a third of it isaccounted for by state support for distressed banks. Discussions with the ECB on restructuringthe promissory notes that the government issued to cover 30 billion euro in losses, mostly atAnglo Irish Bank, have continued for more than a year without success. The government’shopes that the new European Stability Mechanism could be used to take over state-owned Irishbanks in a debt-equity swap, have also been disappointed.
The government’s major achievement in 2012 has been the sharp reduction in bond yieldsonIreland’s sovereign debt, which reflects its success in meeting all the targets set in theEU/IMF programme. In January Ireland takes over the six-monthly presidency of the EU.Haggling in Brusselsis likely to absorb much of the attention of Irish ministers, leaving less timefor pressing national concerns—such as debt relief.
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