Yusuf Alireza unexpectedly quit as chief executiveof Noble Group, Asia's biggest commodities-tradingfirm. Noble, which is based in Hong Kong, has beenhit by the slump in commodity prices and facesallegations from a research outfit that it overstatedits assets, which the company denies. On the daythat Mr. Alireza's departure was announced Noblealso said it would sell its profitable American retail-energy business; the proceeds will go towards repairing its balance-sheet.
亚洲最大商品贸易商来宝集团(Noble Group)首席执行官优素福·阿里(Yusuf Alireza)意外宣布离职。总部位于香港的来宝集团由于商品价格问题遭受重创。同时,有调查小组指控该公司夸大其资产价值,但来宝对此进行否认。就在阿里离职当日,宝来集团还宣布将出售旗下利润颇丰的美国能源零售业务,此作为改善财务负债的一项措施。
The Obama administration detailed new rules to regulate providers of payday loans. Suchlending is aimed at people on low incomes and attracts very high interest rates. Thegovernment wants lenders to do more to assess a borrower's ability to repay.
美国政府公布了针对发薪日贷款(payday loans)放贷人的详细管理新规。该类贷款利息高,对象主要为低收入人群。政府希望贷方能够更加全面地评估借方的偿还能力。
Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund ploughed $3.5 billion into Uber and got a seat on itsboard. It is the taxi-hailing app's biggest single infusion of cash, and brings the total from itslatest round of financing to $5 billion. The privately held firm is estimated to be worth morethan General Motors.
沙特阿拉伯主权基金向打车软件公司优步(Uber)投资35亿美元,由此成为优步股东之一。这是优步有史以来获得的最大单笔投资。获此投资后,优步新一轮融资总规模将达到50亿美元。据估计,该私营公司总资产已超过通用汽车(General Motors)。
SoftBank, a multinational telecoms and internet group that is based in Japan, decided to sell$7.9 billion-worth of the shares it holds in Alibaba, which will reduce its stake in the Chinese e-commerce company from 32% to 28%. SoftBank needs to repay the debt it accumulated tofund a number of big acquisitions, including the Sprint network in America. It is reportedlylooking to offload some of its other stakes, including in Supercell, a Finnish mobile gaming firm.
A jury in California rejected Oracle's $9 billion claim that Google infringed its copyright on Javaby wiring the software into Android phones. Oracle took ownership of Java when it boughtSun Microsystems in 2010 and it has been battling with Google in the courts ever since. Thejury found that Google's use of Java came under the “fair use” element of copyright law.
A former director at Barclays in New York was charged with allegedly passing inside informationon forthcoming mergers to his plumber, who has pleaded guilty to using the illegal tips tomake money on the markets. The director has yet to enter a plea. The plumber repaid thebanker in part by refurbishing his bathroom, but this apparently did not include pluggingfinancial leaks.
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