In a possible sign of reconciliation, the warringsides in Yemen agreed to a prisoner swap, to takeplace in the next three weeks.
The World Health Organisation said that an outbreakof yellow fever has killed 277 people in Angola sinceDecember. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association warned that themosquito-borne disease could spread to other continents.
世界卫生组织(World Health Organisation)表示自去年12月份以来,在安哥拉,已有277人死于黄热病。一篇来自《美国医学协会杂志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)的文章警告称,通过蚊子传播的黄热病可能蔓延到其他大陆。
Brazil's Senate voted to impeach the country's president, Dilma Rousseff, on charges that shemanipulated fiscal accounts. While the impeachment trial is being conducted the vice-president, Michel Temer, will take over as president. If the Senate votes to convict Ms Rousseffby a two-thirds majority, Mr Temer will serve out her term.
巴西参议院投票决定弹劾巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff),并指控她操纵财政账户。在罗塞夫接受弹劾审讯期间,副总统米歇尔·特梅尔(Michel Temer)代为执政。倘若未来参议院有三分之二的议员认为罗塞夫有罪,特梅尔则将代替罗塞夫担任总统至任期结束。
Panama said that it will temporarily close its border with Colombia to bar Cuban migrants fromcrossing over. Some 3,500 Cubans attempting to migrate to the United States are stuck inPanama after Costa Rica blocked them from proceeding further.
为阻止古巴移民过境,巴拿马(Panama)表示将暂时关闭该国与哥伦比亚(Colombia)边境上的通道。因哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)关闭边境阻止古巴移民北上,大约3500名试图移民到美国的古巴人滞留在巴拿马境内。
A forest fire forced 90,000 people to flee their homes in Fort McMurray, which serves as thebase for oil firms that work the tar sands in the western Canadian province of Alberta. The firecovered more than 220,000 hectares and forced some firms to suspend production,prompting economists to lower their projections of Canada's GDP growth for the secondquarter of 2016.
位于加拿大西部阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)的麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)市发生森林火灾,致使90,000多人被迫撤离。此次火灾的失控面积超过220,000公顷,数家当地公司被迫停止生产,经济学家因此下调对加拿大2016年第二季度国民生产增值的预期。麦克默里堡盛产油砂,有着众多的石油公司。
Hillary Clinton lost another primary to Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democraticpresidential nomination. Her defeat in West Virginia is the latest in a state where black andHispanic voters, the mainstays of her support, form only a small part of the electorate, raisingquestions about Mrs Clinton's wider appeal.
在近来的一场民主党提名候选中,希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)又一次败给伯尼·桑德斯(BernieSanders)。此次落败是希拉里最新一次在没有选民优势的州的失败,这引起了人们对她能否获得更多支持的质疑。黑人和西班牙选民是希拉里支持者的重要组成部分,而此次竞选在西弗吉尼亚州举行,希拉里的这些支持者群体在该州所占选民比例较少。
In Minneapolis ten potential jurors in the trial of three Somali-Americans accused ofconspiring to join Islamic State and commit murder were allowed to step down after telling thejudge they could not be impartial in the case. One of the jurors said she felt “uncomfortable”being in the same room as the accused, who were arrested by the FBI.
明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的十名候选陪审员在告知法官他们无法在审判中保持客观公正后,获准将职位移交给他人。一名候选陪审员表示,与被美国联邦调查局逮捕的人同处一室会让自己感到“不舒服”。他们本将出席三名索马里裔美国人的审判,此三人被指控密谋加入“伊斯兰国”武装组织(Islamic State)并犯有谋杀罪。
A survey of American military personnel found that Donald Trump was the preferredpresidential candidate among people on active duty. Support for him was twice that for theDemocratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton. On a negative note for both, over a fifth said theywould rather not vote in November if the choice was between the two.
一项对美国军人的调查显示,在现役军人中,总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)有较高的支持率,是民主党总统候选领跑人希拉里·克林顿的两倍。而在那些既不支持特朗普也不支持希拉里的军人中,超过两成的人表示如果总统将在这两个人中产生,那么自己宁愿不参与在十一月份的投票
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