经济学人:一周要闻 菲律宾大选菲版特朗普获胜 朝鲜总参谋长并未被处决

时间:2016-05-31 10:58:36  / 编辑:Abby

  Politics this week


  Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election in thePhilippines in a landslide victory over Mar Roxas, aformer member of the cabinet of the outgoingpresident, Benigno Aquino. Mr Duterte had been themayor of Davao, a city in the southern island ofMindanao, where he waged a controversial anti-corruption campaign. He once asserted thatsuspected criminals should be killed if need be.

  罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)以压倒性的优势战胜马尔·罗哈斯(Mar Roxas)获得菲律宾总统大选的胜利。罗哈斯是即将卸任总统贝尼格诺·阿基诺(Benigno Aquino)内阁成员。杜特尔特曾任棉兰老岛(Mindanao)东南部城市达沃市(Davao)的市长,在任期间发动了一场颇具争议的反腐运动。他曾宣称如果有必要,所有的嫌犯都该被杀。


  Bangladesh executed Motiur Rahman Nizami, who headed the country's largest Islamist party.He was convicted for war crimes committed during the independence war against Pakistan in1971, but critics claim his trial was not fair.

  孟加拉国处决全国最大伊斯兰政党的党领袖马蒂乌尔·拉赫曼·尼扎米(Motiur Rahman Nizami)。法院判处尼扎米在1971年孟加拉国争取脱离巴基斯塔的独立战争期间犯下战争罪,但有人认为审判并不公平。

  A four-star general in North Korea who was thought to have been executed earlier this year hasapparently resurfaced. In February South Korea reported that General Ri Yong-gil had beenexecuted in a purge by the regime, but pictures from the North's state media this weekshowed him in uniform with three stars, suggesting the lucky general had instead beendemoted.

  今年早些时候外界认为朝鲜四星上将李永吉(Ri Yong-gil)已被处决,但现今他却赫然重现在人们的视野之中。今年二月份韩国报道李永吉在政权清洗中已被处决,但在本周朝鲜媒体发布的照片上,李荣吉却身穿着镶有三星徽章制服,这表明李并没有在清洗运动遇害,而只是被降职了。


  The White House announced that Barack Obama will visit Hiroshima, the first Americanpresident to do so. He is going to the Japanese city to promote his goal of reducing stockpilesof nuclear weapons.


  Werner Faymann stepped down as the chancellor of Austria. He had been in power since 2008,but faced criticism from within his party, the Social Democrats, for the country's increasinglyhard line on refugees. The far-right Freedom Party is ahead in the polls in the run-off for thefederal presidency, a mostly ceremonial role.

  维尔纳·法伊曼(Werner Faymann)辞去奥地利总理一职。自2008年上台以来,由于奥地利日益强硬的难民政策,他在其所在的社会民主党(Social Democrats)内一直倍受指责。极右翼政党奥地利自由党(Freedom Party)在联邦总统大选(该位子主要是一个礼仪上的象征性职位)第二轮投票中处于领先地位。

  Ahead of new elections in Spain on June 26th, Podemos, a far-left movement, announcedthat it would form a parliamentary pact with United Left, the former communist party. “We wantto agree on a government for progressive change,” said Pablo Iglesias, the leader of Podemos.

  6月26日新一轮选举进行之前,西班牙极左运动“我们可以”(Podemos)宣布将同前共产党派左翼联盟(United Left)通过一个议会协议。“我们可以”运动领导人巴勃罗·伊格莱西亚斯(Pablo Iglesias)表示“我们欢迎支持进步变革的政府”。

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