During its three weeks of operation, the new GFSremained outclassed. On a standard measure—predicting the altitude at which the atmosphericpressure is half as great as at sea level—it still trailsthe ECMWF model.
Nonetheless, the GFS's strong showing during January's nor'easter offers solace to critics whofeared America would never catch up with Europe in matters meteorological. Weatherforecasting is fiendishly complex, and improvements tend to arise not from great leaps forwardbut rather an accumulation of incremental advances.
The ECMWF's most obvious advantage has been in raw computing power. Its Cray XC30supercomputer can perform up to 2 quadrillion calculations a second, about ten times morethan the GFS hardware before the recent upgrade. As a result, it carves up the Earth'satmosphere into svelte cells 16km square and 137 layers deep, compared with a bulky 27kmand a mere 64 layers for the old GFS. The ECMWF's computing muscle also lets it start itsprojections with a replay of the past 12 hours of weather, using 40m data points derived fromobservations collected by ground stations, aeroplanes, balloons and satellites. In contrast, theGFS begins with a snapshot of a single moment.
欧洲中期天气预报中心的强势之处在于它那了得的运算能力。该气象中心拥有一台Cray XC30型超级电脑,一秒内就能运算2万亿次,其运算能力是全球预报系统硬件升级前的十倍多。这台计算机能把地球大气层整齐地分割为面积为16平方公里的若干小块,且把每块做137层分层,而升级前的全球预报系统只能做27平方公里和137层的块层分割。借助其厉害的运算能力,欧洲中期天气预报中心能对过去12小时的气象云图做回放,从而使其天气预报更为准确。云图回放时计算机要处理4000万个数据点,这些数据都是从地面观测站点,气象飞机,气球及气象卫星收集获得的。相较之下,美国的全球预报系统只能对某一特定时刻做云图拍照,进而分析预测。
The ECMWF also deserves credit for deploying its computational force wisely. The centre was apioneer in using satellites to fill gaps in the data over the oceans, and in developing “ensembleforecasts” that generate a range of outcomes by employing slightly different startingconditions to produce multiple predictions. Its current model runs 52 such forecasts inparallel, each with a probability assigned to it.
Weather forecasters in America have full access to the ECMWF's model. However, the UnitedStates still has good reason not to free-ride on the Europeans' work. Private American firmshave to pay for it, and the ECMWF is unlikely to develop regional or local models focusedspecifically on America. Moreover, giving the ECMWF a worthy competitor would probably lead tobetter forecasts overall.
The new GFS has certainly narrowed the gap. Its resolution is now 13km, though it still hasonly 64 layers. By November it is expected to run on a faster computer than the ECMWF's. Itcould be in line for further upgrades if the new, Republican Congress reintroduces the WeatherForecasting Improvement Act proposed last year—though the party's global-warming scepticsare likely to demand that much of the additional $120m a year the bill offered be taken awayfrom research on climate change.
According to Cliff Mass, a professor of meteorology at the University of Washington, moremoney will not be enough to catch up with the Europeans. America, he says, must integrate itsseparate research and forecasting divisions, and include more contributions from non-government experts. Compared with pushing through cultural change in large publicbureaucracies, predicting the weather is easy.
华盛顿大学气象学教授Cliff Mass称,即使美国投入再多的钱其天气预报的能力也无法赶上欧洲人。他说美国要想在这方面获得实质性的提高不仅得把其气候专项研究和各预报部门综合起来,还得广纳民间气候专家的建议。较之在官场推行政治文化气息变革,预测天气真算得上是简单的了。
中学时代即留学于新加坡理工学院,后毕业于英国南威尔士大学计算机专业,在新加坡居住及工作多年,曾担任新加坡管理发展学院(MDIS)、新加坡亚太管理学院(Kaplan Singapore)、新加坡管理大学(SIM)等教育机构的招生顾问。客观地为同学们留学海外提供帮助。在新加坡任职期间,帮助许多国际学生(包括中国学生)成功留学新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,英国和美国。
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