经济学人:一周要闻 波罗申科接任乌克兰总理 比利时警方逮捕布鲁塞尔恐袭案嫌疑人

时间:2016-04-26 10:36:58  / 编辑:Abby

  Politics this week


  Ukraine's prime minister, Arseniy Yatseniuk, said hewill resign as soon as the parliament finds acandidate to replace him. President PetroPoroshenko has nominated Volodymyr Groisman, thespeaker of parliament, but he has struggled togather enough support among the splintered parties to form a new government. MrYatseniuk's approval ratings had fallen to single digits over his failure to attack corruption; MrPoroshenko's are drooping too.

  乌克兰总理亚采纽克(Arseniy Yatseniuk)表示一旦议会找到继任人选,他就辞职退位。总统佩特罗·波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko)任命议长格罗伊斯曼(Volodymyr Groisman)为新任总理。为赢得各分裂党派足够的支持从而组建新政府,波罗申科费尽了心思。自治理腐败失利以来,亚采纽克的支持率一路下降直至个位数。波罗申科的支持率也在下降。


  Belgian police arrested Mohamed Abrini, a suspected terrorist who confessed to being the "manin the hat" in images of the attack on Brussels airport on March 22nd. He is believed to haveplayed a role in the terrorist attacks in Paris last November too. Police interrogators said herevealed that the Brussels attackers had originally aimed to strike a football tournament inFrance.

  比利时警方抓获恐袭嫌犯默罕默德·阿布里尼(Mohamed Abrini)。他承认自己就是3月22日布鲁塞尔机场袭击案现场录像中捕捉到的那个“戴帽者”。不仅如此,他还涉嫌参与去年11月份的巴黎恐袭事件。警方调查后表示,阿布里尼一伙的最初目标是法国某足球比赛现场,最后临时决定袭击布鲁塞尔。

  Emmanuel Macron, France's economy minister, launched a movement called “En Marche!”(Onthe Move!), to bring liberal economic ideas into the Socialist Party. France is preparing forpresidential elections in 2017 with a Socialist president, Fran?ois Hollande, who is the leastpopular president in French history.

  法国经济部长艾玛纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)发起一项名为“无限动感”的运动,意在为社会党(Socialist Party)引入自由主义经济思想。现任总统社会党人弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)民意支持创历史新低,法国正在为2017年的总统大选做准备。

  Turkey formally requested that Germany prosecute a comedian who ridiculed President RecepTayyip Erdogan. Under a little-used German law criminalising the defamation of foreign leaders,Jan Bohmermann faces up to three years in prison for a poem that involved ludicrous sexualinnuendoes regarding Mr Erdogan and animals. The row complicates Germany's increasinglyimportant relationship with Turkey.

  土耳其正式要求德国对喜剧演员简·伯默尔曼(Jan Bohmermann)提起公诉。因其作诗讽刺土总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)有“恋兽癖”这种荒唐的乱欲行为。根据德国刑法规定,侮辱外国元首可被判处最高3年监禁,这一法律之前基本没有用到过。德国与土耳其的关系日益密切,但这场风波给两国关系提出了挑战。

  Keiko Fujimori, a conservative, came top in the first round of Peru's presidential election withnearly 40% of the vote. She will face Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a liberal former prime ministerand IMF official, in a run-off on June 5th. Ms Fujimori's father, Alberto Fujimori, Peru's presidentin the 1990s, is serving a jail sentence for human-rights abuses and corruption.

  秘鲁总统大选中,保守派参选人藤森惠子(Keiko Fujimori)以近4成选票的成绩在首轮选举中处于领先地位。在6月5日第二轮决胜选举中,她将面对前总理兼任IMF官员的自由派人士佩德罗·巴勃罗·库钦斯基(PedroPablo Kuczynski)。藤森惠子的父亲阿尔韦托·藤森(Alberto Fujimori)90年代出任秘鲁总统,现今由于侵犯人权和腐败问题正在服刑。

  A congressional committee in Brazil voted to press ahead with impeachment proceedingsagainst the president, Dilma Rousseff. Next, the lower house of Congress will take up a voteagainst her, on charges that she manipulated government accounts. If that passes by two-thirds, she will face trial in the Senate. A steel wall was raised in the capital to separate thecrowds who are expected to demonstrate for and against impeachment.

  巴西国会投票决定继续支持弹劾总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)。此外,众议院指控罗塞夫操纵国家账户,为此将举行投票公开反对罗塞夫。如果众议院获得2/3的投票,那么罗塞夫将在参议院面临审判。为了避免支持和反对弹劾的民众之间起纷争,巴西首都竖起了一堵大铁墙。

  A federal appeals court in New York cleared the way for Argentina, which defaulted on its debt in2001, to repay bondholders who had rejected earlier debt restructurings. This should allow thecountry to resume borrowing on international capital markets. It plans raise up to $15 billionthrough a new bond issue. Most of the money will be used to pay the holdout bondholders.


  Congress made an opening bid towards solving Puerto Rico's $72 billion debt crisis. A Housecommittee offered the island most of the benefits of a bankruptcy, including the suspensionof litigation while a fiscal plan is sorted, new abilities to corral creditors and the power tomodify its debt. This relief would come at a steep cost. An “oversight board”, nominated byCongress, would in effect revoke the self-government the commonwealth has enjoyed since1948.


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