经济学人:房价飙涨 泡沫为谁而破(下)

时间:2016-04-19 10:33:36  / 编辑:Abby

  There were 4.7 billion square metres of housingunder construction but not yet available for sale atthe end of last year, up by 25% from the end of2011; 452 million square metres of housing were onsale, nearly three times as much as at the end of2011. Some provinces and cities are drafting plans toconvert unsold homes into subsidised housing forpoorer residents. Xi Jinping, China’s president, hassaid that reducing property inventory is a “battle of annihilation” that must be won torevitalise the economy. Revived demand for new construction, in short, is a long way off.



  The exception is sure to be China’s biggest cities, where there clearly is an imbalance betweensupply and demand. Shenzhen and Shanghai, in particular, are popular with the young andthe highly educated, just the kinds of people that push up housing prices. They are two ofChina’s best-run cities, offering good transport links, good jobs and, by Chinese standards,good air. Unsold housing inventories cover just about five months of demand at the currentpace of sales, indicating that more construction is needed.


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  • 姓名:孟帆







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中央美院 建筑学专业 University of Cambridge.建筑学研究式硕士,London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London,城市规划硕士。

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人大附中 Yale University,University of Pennsylvania,Brown University。本科新生录取。

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哈尔滨工业大学 University of California-Berkeley,University of California-Los Angeles,Georgia Institute of Technology,本科转学录取。





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