经济学人:房价飙涨 泡沫为谁而破(中)

时间:2016-04-18 11:11:25  / 编辑:Abby

  The results of this two-tier system have beenmeagre so far. The frenzy in the biggest cities stemsfrom the central bank’s steady loosening ofmonetary policy over the past 18 months. Althoughwarranted from an economic perspective, it wasinevitable that low interest rates would drive assetprices higher. Initially, much of the credit pumpedout by banks ended up in the stockmarket, butfollowing its crash last summer, property beckoned as one of the few decent investmentoptions in China (capital controls, which have been further tightened recently, make it hard forChinese savers to invest their money abroad).



  For speculators looking at property, the excess supply in smaller cities was all too evident, sothey turned instead to the megalopolises. Du Jinsong of Credit Suisse describes it as a form ofgroupthink. “Everybody—investors, developers, policymakers and bankers—thinks that first-tiercities are safe,” he says.


  Even as the government tries to restrain the excesses, however, it does not want to snuff outthe rally in the big cities altogether, for they tend to influence sentiment elsewhere. There aresigns that this is beginning to happen. Housing prices started rising month on month in thebiggest cities a year ago. In midsized cities (in China, those with populations of 5m-10m), priceshave been rising for the past four months. In smaller cities (mere hamlets of 1m-5m), gainshave been evident only for the past two months (see chart).


  If this upturn lasts, some investors reckon it will spur construction. Commodities used to buildapartment blocks, such as iron (girders) and copper (wires), have recovered slightly from theirrecent swoon, partly in the hope that China’s property market is also stirring (see article).Indeed, a series of mini-cycles in the Chinese housing sector over the past decade followed thissort of pattern: rising housing sales led to new building starts, which in turn pushedcommodity prices higher.


  Figures from the China Index Academy, a data provider, show that the stock of unsold homeshas decreased recently, from nearly 30 months’ worth of sales early last year to 15 now. “Ahousing market with rising volume and prices clearly does not support the view that, on amacro level, China’s housing market is oversupplied,” notes Liang Hong of China InternationalCapital Corp, an investment bank.


  But there is a further vast increment of supply on the verge of coming to market, becausedevelopers slowed the pace of construction in recent years and in some cases halted italtogether.


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  • 姓名:周小芳





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