
时间:2016-04-14 11:07:47  / 编辑:Abby

  In the European union   Austria, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are strongly anti-nuclear,but the EU as a whole is unlikely to go their way. Its response to Fukushima has been to callfor “stress tests” of its members’ reactors. Britain, the Czech Republic and Finland hope soonto build some more. Finland and France, which produces more of its electricity in nuclear plantsthan any other big country, each have under construction a plant of the European PressurisedReactor (EPR) design developed by AREVA, a French industrial group. Plans may be delayed ordiminished, but a complete halt to building is unlikely.


  France, in particular, seems certain to remainresolutely pro-nuclear. The French nuclear industrymay even see Fukushima as an opportunity. TheEPR is touted as being especially safe: if concernsabout safety could be turned into a regulatory casefor building only EPRs in Europe, so much the better.The British, Czechs and Finns, who are all alsolooking at a design by America’s Westinghouse (theFinns are examining a South Korean one, too), wouldnot be keen to be captive customers, but they maychoose EPRs anyway.


  The most labile European country on matters nuclear has, not surprisingly, been Germany,where great engineering and anti-nuclear sentiment have long coexisted uneasily. In 2002 thethen centre-left government said it would phase out nuclear power by 2022. Last year thecurrent, centre-right lot extended the lives of seven ageing reactors by eight years. Inresponse to Fukushima it shut them again, at first for three months.


  Getting gas利用天然气

  Some or all of those plants may not reopen. If none did, then according to Stefan W??chter ofPoint Carbon, a research firm, German carbon-dioxide emissions would increase by 435mtonnes in the decade to 2020. Analysis by Deutsche Bank suggests that at least 23 gigawattsof new gas-fired capacity would need to be built by the same year. Gas-fired plants are thenatural short-term response in part because Germany’s grid cannot take much more in termsof renewables (of which the country already has a lot) both because of their peaks and troughsand because some would need to be offshore. That said, demand for renewables elsewheremight increase, as Germany’s extra use of fossil fuels pushed up the price of carbon in Europe’semissions-trading scheme.

  这些核电站中的部分或者全部可能不会再重新启用。如果它们全部关闭的话,那么根据供职于点碳(PointCarbon) 研究公司的斯蒂凡??瓦赫特(Stefan W??chter)的说法,德国的二氧化碳排放量将在2020年前的10年间增长4.35亿吨。德意志银行的分析表明,德国需在2020年前至少新增230亿瓦燃气发电量。部分是由于德国电网无法再承载多少可再生能源(该国已在大量利用可再生能源),因此燃气发电厂成了一种自然而然的短期应对措施;之所以无法承载,既是因为可再生能源的峰谷波动,又是因为部分项目需要离岸建设。话虽如此,但由于德国对化石燃料的额外使用推高了欧洲排放交易体系的碳价格,因此其他地区对可再生能源的需求有可能增加。

  In its likely switch to gas, Germany reflects the probable post-Fukushima world. In any countrywhere nuclear provides less electricity than had been expected, in the near term gas is favouriteto make up the shortfall. Société Générale’s analysis suggests that a full withdrawal fromnuclear by OECD countries would increase demand for gas by more than 400 billion cubicmetres a year by 2045.


  In America and Canada the nuclear slack could be taken up by domestically produced gas,Société Générale reckons, reflecting the sheer scale of the shale-gas revolution there. Therest of the world would either buy liquefied natural gas (LNG) or get gas in pipelines, a prospectthat relations with Russia have made irksome to some. Energy-security concerns partlyexplained why Germany decided to delay its phasing out of nuclear plants. Now it and otherEuropean countries may buy a lot more Russian gas. To Russia one of the attractions ofcontinuing with nuclear power is that it frees gas for export.


  Yet a gassier Europe may not need to worry toomuch about security of supply. At least in the nearterm there is plenty of LNG because capacityoriginally intended to serve America is no longerneeded for that purpose. This is good news forEurope and for Japan, which in the short run needsgas and oil to make up for lost production atFukushima and other nuclear plants closed in theearthquake’s aftermath, regardless of its long-termchoices.


  Some expect this surplus to last throughout the 2010s, as new sources become available.Others fear, or hope, that the market could tighten quite quickly. Paul McConnell of WoodMackenzie, another research firm, has argued that for China to meet a pledged 40% reductionin the carbon intensity of its economy by 2020 would require a lot more gas than currentlyexpected. If nuclear plants contribute less, that will be truer than ever. But though gas supplymay tighten, there is still, by all estimates, a lot of it around for the medium to long term.

  某些人士预计,随着新的来源可资利用,这种供应过剩将会在整个21世纪10年代中持续;其他人士则担心(或者希望)市场将会很快趋紧。另一家研究公司——伍德麦肯兹公司(Wood Mackenzie)的保罗??麦康奈尔(Paul McConnell)已经指出,中国若想在2020年前实现其经济碳密度降低四成的承诺,该国的天然气需求量就将远远高于现有预期。如果核电站的发电量减少,情况就更是如此。不过,尽管天然气供应或将趋紧,但所有预测都认为在中长期时段上,仍然会有大量天然气。

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  • 姓名:周小芳





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