
时间:2016-04-14 11:07:47  / 编辑:Abby

  The 14% solution14%解决方案

  Nuclear power thus looks dangerous, unpopular, expensive and risky. It is replaceable withrelative ease and could be forgone with no huge structural shifts in the way the world works. Sowhat would the world be like without it?


  The most obvious answer is: a bit warmer. In 2009 the world’s electricity generators emittedabout 9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, out of an industrial total of 30 billion tonnes and agrand total, including deforestation and the effects of other gases, equivalent to some 50billion. Without nuclear power and with other fuels filling in its share pro rata, emissions fromgeneration would have been about 11 billion tonnes. The difference is roughly equal to the totalannual emissions of Germany and Japan combined.


  To put that in perspective, in 2010 the UNEnvironment Programme estimated that for the worldto have a reasonable chance of limiting globalwarming to less than 2°C, carbon-dioxide emissionsshould be reduced to 44 billion tonnes by 2020. Withbusiness as usual, emissions would be between 54billion and 60 billion tonnes. If countries took themost ambitious of the courses of action that theyhave outlined to the UN, the figure comes down toabout 49 billion tonnes, leaving an “emissions gap” of5 billion tonnes that seems highly unlikely to bebridged. So the 2 billion tonnes saved by nuclear power is not vast, but it is significant.


  That said, a complete withdrawal from nuclear energy is not on the cards. Though China,which has 77 reactors at various stages of construction, planning and discussion, has said itwill review its programme in the aftermath of Fukushima, few expect it to stop entirely. Chinahas a great appetite for energy, which will continue to grow. For now its energy sector is highlyconcentrated on coal, but so that the country can both diversify and clean its air China’slatest five-year plan aims for growth in all sorts of non-coal energy, including wind power, gasand nuclear. Adverse public opinion and the additional cost of capital caused by uncertaintiesover regulatory approval have much less salience in China than elsewhere.


  Some other countries will also go ahead: Russia says it sees no reason to stop work on tenreactors that are in development. But there could still be a widespread withdrawal from thetechnology by OECD countries, caused by national changes in policy or stiffer local opposition.And grand though China’s ambitions are, for now OECD countries produce more than 80% ofthe world’s nuclear electricity.


  Analysts at Société Générale, a French bank, argue that if these rich countries built no morereactors and allowed existing ones to close at the end of their planned lives, an extra 860mtonnes of carbon a year would be emitted, on average, from 2010 to 2030. This mayunderestimate the impact on the system as a whole, because nuclear plants and large damsare the only broadly reliable sources of baseload electricity that do not burn fossil fuels.Although renewable capacity has been added quickly in some countries, you cannot be surethat the wind will blow or the sun will shine to order. A fair part of this can be smoothed out ifthe various sources are linked into an electric grid that is sufficiently large, robust and smart,but that does not obviate all the need for baseload.

  法国兴业银行(Société Générale)分析师提出:如果这些富裕国家不再建造更多的反应堆,并让现有反应堆在其设计寿命到期后关闭的话,在2010至2030年间,平均每年将额外排放8.6亿吨碳。这或许低估了它对整个体系带来的冲击,因为在不燃烧化石燃料的基本电力负载来源中,只有核电站和大坝基本可靠。尽管一些国家的可再生能源产能已在快速增长,但人们却不能确定风和阳光能够按需而至。如将不同能量来源联入一张足够庞大、稳健、智能的电网,则此问题能有一大部分得到解决,但这并不会完全消除对基本负载的各种需求。

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  • 姓名:李娜




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