国际足联14年首亏前主席工资遭公开 保时捷高管获无罪开释

时间:2016-04-11 10:40:38  / 编辑:Abby

  Football's governing body, FIFA, posted its firstannual loss since 2002, citing increased developmentexpenses and higher competition costs. It alsorevealed that Sepp Blatter, the disgraced formerpresident, had received a pay package of $3.7m, thefirst time it has detailed his remuneration.

  足球主管机构—国际足联(FIFA)报告公布了其自2002年以来的首次年度亏损,亏损主要由上涨的发展费用和比赛成本所致。国际足联还透露遭人诟病的前任主席赛普·布拉特(Sepp Blatter)年薪为370万美元,这是国际足联第一次详细公布布拉特的薪酬。




  The price of salmon recovered some of the ground it lost last year, as prices on the Norwegianmarket leapt this week; they are up by over 30% compared with early last year. An algal bloomhas reduced the output of salmon farms in Chile, the world's second-biggest producer,unnerving investors. Share prices of salmon firms have surged amid worries over supply;prices are expected to stay buoyant in the short-term.


  Two former executives at Porsche SE were acquitted by a court on charges of misleading themarkets about their intention to launch a takeover of Volkswagen in 2008. VW was not partyto the trial. Porsche SE, a holding company, is being sued by investors over the matter, thoughthe judge in the case said there was “absolutely nothing” to the allegations.

  近日,两名前保时捷(Porsche SE)高管获无罪开释。2008年他们因收购大众汽车公司的企图造成市场混乱而遭到起诉。大众(VW)没有出席审判。控股公司保时捷就此受到投资者们的起诉,但负责该案件的法官表示这些指控都“绝对是子虚乌有”。




  The pilot of a Lufthansa passenger jet reported that a drone had come within 61 metres (200feet) of his A380 on its landing approach to Los Angeles. Hundreds of intrusions by dronesinto planes' air space have been reported around the world in the past few years, but this onewas close. Dianne Feinstein, a senator who has sponsored a drone-safety bill, called theincident “reckless”.

  德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)一架客机飞行员报告称,当他驾驶A380客机在洛杉矶降落时,一架无人机在距离其不到61米的地方飞行。最近几年,世界各地出现了数以百计的无人机侵占飞机航道事件,但这次是近距离侵占。发起无人机安全法案的参议员——戴安·范斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)称这次事件是“鲁莽”行为。

  Terry Bollea, a former wrestler better known as Hulk Hogan, pinned down Gawker, a celebrity-news blog, when he won an invasion-of-privacy case over part of a sex tape it had published.Mr Bollea was awarded $115m, more than he had claimed, by a jury in Florida; a further $25mwas added for punitive damages. Gawker expressed confidence that it would win with a fullsubmission on appeal.


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  • 姓名:李娜




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