Robert Owen, a British mill-owner and reformer,treated private property, along with organisedreligion and marriage, as a social scourge. In 1825he bought land for a farm-and-factory commune inIndiana. It attracted farmers, artisans andintellectuals. Tools, food and housing were free. Thecommune had mixed-sex schools and a library. Itsponsored scientific research. Without a shared faithor purpose, however, the members split into competing groups. By 1827, Owen's secularcommunity had disbanded. The difficulty of pursuing micro-communism in a capitalist societyalso dogged Cabet's American followers. His New World Icarians split into several rivalgroupings. Shakers, Owenites and Icarians focused, each in their own way, on duties. Theysought to tame human selfishness. Gloomy as he looked in portraits, the Frenchman CharlesFourier concentrated on fun. His writings inspired the Brook Farm commune near Boston and,less directly, Oneida. Fourier wanted to free people's instincts so that everyone, especiallywomen, might lead a life of varied enjoyments and sensual delight. Stripped of emphasis onsex, Fourier's message that a good life was a cultivated life, not one of striving and work,appealed to New England intellectuals who formed Brook Farm's core.
“Paradise Now” is more than a record of failed hopes. Some ideas spread to the mainstream.Fourier's feminism is a good example. Fourierist communes foundered across the New Worldand Old; his ideas about gender equality lived on. No society could improve, Fourier believed,until women's lot improved. “The best countries”, he wrote, “have always been those whichallowed women the most freedom.” That is a common thought today. It was radical whenFourier wrote it in 1808.
Women more generally are at the centre of the Utopian story. Some communes he writes aboutwere democratic, some authoritarian. None was patriarchal. Mr Jennings's book is rich in fondhopes and improbable ventures. Rather than nudging readers to mock, which is easy, theauthor reminds them instead to remember that the maddest-sounding ideas sometimesbecome motherhood.
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