HSBC: London v Hong Kong
East is Eden
Banking's longest, and most successful, identitycrisis
HSBC—one of the two most pivotal banks in the global financial system, according toregulators, alongside JPMorgan Chase—exudes permanence. Its buildings are guarded by lionscast in bronze which passers-by touch for luck. HSBC has never been bailed out, nationalisedor bought, a claim no other mega-bank can make. It has not made a yearly loss since itsfoundation in 1865. While its peers took emergency loans from central banks in the crisis of2008-10, HSBC, long on cash, supplied liquidity to the financial system.
Yet behind that invincible aura lurks an insecurity: where is home? When Western and Indianmerchants founded the bank in Asia in 1865, they considered basing it in Shanghai beforesettling on Hong Kong. Faced with wars, revolutions and the threat of nationalisation, the bankhas chosen or been compelled to move its headquarters, or debated it, in 1941, 1946, 1981, 1986, 1990, 1993, 2008 and 2009.
HSBC believes its itinerancy explains its survival. Countries and regimes come and go. Thebank endures. Now it's decision time again. The results of a ten-month review of its domicileare likely to be announced on February 22nd. The main choice is between staying in London—where HSBC shifted its holding company in 1990-93, in anticipation of the return of HongKong to Chinese sovereignty in 1997—or going back to its place of birth.
The decision is partly about technicalities: tax, regulation and other costs. But it also reflectsbig themes: London's status as a financial centre, the dominance of the dollar and HongKong's financial, legal and political autonomy from mainland China, which is supposedlyprotected until 2047 under the pledge of “one country, two systems”. HSBC's most recentmove, from Hong Kong, was announced on the radio by China's premier of the day, Li Peng.Its return would be news too, a coup for China when its economic credibility is low. ForBritain, the departure of its largest firm would be an embarrassment.
That HSBC is considering moving at this moment may seem astonishing; it is knee-deep in arestructuring. Since taking the helm in 2011 Stuart Gulliver has reversed the empire-buildingthat took place in the 2000s to refocus the bank on financing trade. He has sold 78businesses and almost halved the bank's exposure to America. Vast sums have been spent oncompliance systems after the bank was fined for money-laundering in Mexico.
The group's return on equity hovers at 8-11%—poor by its standards but on a par withJPMorgan Chase. Outside Asia, returns are about 5%. To raise them, Mr Gulliver is inflicting anew dose of austerity, with big cuts at its investment bank. Retreat from the Westernhemisphere has freed resources for Asia, where risk-weighted assets have soared by half since2010.
HSBC's seesawing skew towards Asia is one of four factors that explain its 151-year quandaryover where it should be based. The others are the ethnicity of its managers, Britain's love-haterelationship with finance and the status of Hong Kong.
In the 1980s all four pointed to London. The bank was diversifying into America and Europe (by2004 Asia yielded just a third of profits). London felt natural to the cadre of expatriate Britsthat ran it. Britain was welcoming, particularly after HSBC bought Midland, a local lender. AndHSBC was cushioned from the danger that China would rip up the agreement over Hong Kong. “As night follows day...we would become a Chinese bank,” the bank's chairman at the time saidabout keeping its domicile in the territory after 1997.
Three of the four factors now point back towards Asia. Asia yields 60% of profits. This couldrise to 75%. Mr Gulliver plans a big push in the Cantonese-speaking Pearl River delta. Risinginterest rates would boost lending margins most in Asia, which has a surplus of deposits,which need not be repriced as quickly as debt. HSBC is far more Asian than its Western rivals(see chart). Not even a hard landing in China, a banking crisis there or a devaluation of the yuanwould alter that.
HSBC's management is now multi-national, although its board has too few Asians on it. (SimonRobertson, its deputy chairman, is also a director of The Economist Group.) AIA, aninsurance firm, moved to Hong Kong after it was spun out of American International Group in2010. It shows it is possible to domicile a big finance firm there that is not Chinese-run.
And Britain has got hostile. Briefly after the crisis public and elite opinion distinguishedbetween the British banks that blew up and those that did not. Having a bank so plugged intoemerging markets was seen as strategically helpful. But now HSBC (cumulative profits of$101 billion since 2007) is often lumped in with the likes of Royal Bank of Scotland (cumulativelosses of $80 billion), a target of attacks from foaming parliamentary committees and a hatchet-wielding media. Critics worry that British depositors and taxpayers subsidise the bank byfunding its foreign operations and implicitly guaranteeing its liabilities. This is the rationalebehind Britain's levy on banks' global balance-sheets, which costs HSBC $1.5 billion a year, orabout a tenth of profits. It also underpins the requirement that banks ring-fence their Britishretail arms, which will cost HSBC $2 billion.
Yet these policies duplicate others designed to tackle the same problem, including capitalsurcharges, stress tests, living wills and a push to “bail in” bondholders when disaster strikes.And they ignore HSBC's safety-first structure. It has more cash than it owes in debt (bondsand loans from other banks). It is already run in self-reliant geographic silos. And 68% of itsdeposits are raised outside Britain. Arguably the subsidy flows in the other direction, fromAsian savers who are providing cheap funds to Britain's financial system.
George Osborne, Britain's chancellor, has belatedly turned on the charm. In July he tweakedthe levy and the tax regime—although not by enough to make much difference to HSBC overthe next five years. The financial watchdog has been shaken up, and Mark Carney, the boss ofthe Bank of England, which has ultimate responsibility for the banks, has hinted that they haveenough capital.
But unless the government concedes that the size of HSBC's global balance-sheet is not agauge of its risk to Britain, HSBC will worry that its size is capped. Asia will grow faster thanBritain, and thus so will the bank's assets. If the bank is too big for Britain today, with assetsequivalent to 89% of GDP, what will it look like in 2030? A British exit from the European union would complicate things further, requiring HSBC to beef up operations in France or Germany(although it would have to do this whether based in London or Hong Kong).
What about the fourth factor, Hong Kong? It has changed a lot since Mr Gulliver first livedthere in the 1980s. The skyscrapers of China's opaque lenders, Bank of China and ICBC, nowloom over HSBC's building, beneath which pro-democracy protesters camped during theOccupy Central movement in 2012.
Hong Kong's government would welcome the bank back, as would its regulator, the Hong KongMonetary Authority (HKMA). Moving to Hong Kong would probably cut HSBC's tax bill andcapital requirements a bit and the degree of regulatory and political friction a lot. It might alsohelp HSBC's ambitions on the mainland, although it already has a privileged spot there—thelargest presence of any foreign bank. Like Hong Kong, HSBC wants to be close to China butnot integrated with it. Head-to-head competition with the coddled mainland banks would besuicidal.
香港政府会向汇丰张开双臂,香港金融管理局 (HKMA)态度也是如此。迁址香港,汇丰得到的税款减免和资本要求方面得到的好处不多,但面临的监管和政治压力却比在英国小得多。同时,总部设在香港能帮助汇丰实现拓展大陆业务的雄心,尽管汇丰目前已经成为内地市场占有率最大的外国银行。和香港对大陆的态度一样,汇丰想要接轨内地市场,但不要融入其中。与受到万千宠爱的内地银行硬碰硬的竞争无异于自杀。
The logistics of a move would be less daunting than you might think. Half of HSBC's businessalready sits in a subsidiary in Hong Kong that the HKMA regulates. HSBC's shares are listed inHong Kong as well as London.
But how could the territory safely host a bank nine times as big as its GDP? Hong Kongofficials say there are three lines of defence. First, they set more store than Britain on HSBC'sinnate strength: its culture, capital and vast pot of surplus cash. Second, they believe that ina crisis its geographical silos would get assistance from the local central bank: the Bank ofEngland would help the British arm, the Federal Reserve the American one, and so on.
Last, there are the HKMA's foreign reserves of $360 billion. They exist to protect the currencypeg with the American dollar and “the stability and integrity” of its financial system. WereHSBC ever to cock up as badly as, say, Citigroup has, it might take $50 billion to re-capitalise it—within Hong Kong's capacity. A liquidity run so bad that it drained even HSBC's cash pilecould be harder for the HKMA to manage. It runs a currency board so cannot print Hong Kongdollars in unlimited quantities. HSBC largely operates in American dollars, which the HKMAcannot create, and unlike the Bank of England, the HKMA does not have a dollar swap line fromthe Fed.
最后一道防线,是香港金融管理局的3600亿美金外汇储备。这项储备能够支持港币与美元挂钩的机制,以及保持香港金融系统的“完整与稳定”。如果汇丰面临危机(比如,陷入花旗一样的境地),香港可以完全依靠自主能力,拿出500亿美金为其注资。但极差的流动性甚至可能耗尽汇丰的现金储备,这会让HKMA更加难以应对。香港采取货币发行局制度, 港币不能无限量发行量。汇丰大规模采取美元结算制度,而HKMA无权发行美元,和英格兰银行不同,HKMA 没有和美联储达成货币互换额度。
Wrinkles like this mean that HSBC would ultimately rely on the unspoken backing of mainlandChina, with its vast financial resources. Speaking anonymously in August, a mainland officialformerly in charge of financial matters said Chinese regulators would expect to have a say overHSBC. China desperately wants a global bank to represent its interests. Mainland officials mightbe tempted to meddle.
That might annoy American officials, who have become chauvinistic about access to theirfinancial system since the 9/11 attacks and the 2007-08 crisis. HSBC manages about 10% ofthe world's cross-border dollar payments. Its ability to do so is essential to the bank'soperations. In the event, say, of a military skirmish between America and China, it is notimpossible there would be a backlash from Congress and New York's populist regulator againsta “Chinese” bank having such a privileged role in the dollar system. In 2014 regulators brieflyprevented BNP Paribas, a French bank, from clearing dollar transactions.
这可能会招致美国方面的不满,9/11恐怖袭击事件和 2007-08金融危机之后,美国官员开始带有沙文主义色彩地严格管制美国的金融市场准入。汇丰银行处理世界10%的跨境美元结算,而美元结算资格对汇丰业务运营至关重要。假如,中美之间发生军事摩擦,可能会引起美国国会和华尔街民粹主义监管者的激烈反应,,抵制一家“中国”银行在美元系统的特权地位。2014年法国巴黎银行事件中,美国就直接取消了该银行的美元交易能力。
A move to Hong Kong is thus a risk for HSBC. It is a bet that China will grow, but that its legaland financial systems will remain backward enough that Hong Kong will still have a vital role asthe mainland's first-world entrepot. It is a bet that even as they meddle in Hong Kong's politicsand on occasion break its laws, mainland officials will ultimately respect the principle of “onecountry, two systems”. It is a gamble that America will resist its worst urges. In Hong KongHSBC would be a catastrophic mistake away from losing its independence—but then the bankhas never made a catastrophic mistake. Viewed from an insular Britain, Hong Kong isdangerous and alluring, just as it was 151 years ago.
因此,汇丰迁址香港会面临风险。汇丰需要赌一把—中国经济将继续增长,但其司法和金融系统依然落后,这样香港就仍然能保持作为中国和发达国家交易的贸易中转站。还要赌一把,尽管中国政府仍然干涉香港政治,偶尔在法律上越线,但最终还是会遵照“一国两制”政策。最后还得赌,美国抑制其最坏的冲动。总部设在香港,汇丰若失去自主权,便会走上灾难性的自毁之路;但汇丰从来没犯过重大决策失误。从孤立的英国角度来看,香港就像151年前一样, 充满危险,却让人蠢蠢欲动。
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