Modest plans
The government goes back into housebuilding
WHEN George Osborne is spottedoutsideWestminster, he is very often making an appearance on a building site, wearing afluorescent safety jacket. It was no surprise to hear him claim once again, in his budgetspeech on March 19th, that “We're gettingBritainbuilding”. Sadly, given the huge extentofBritain's housing shortage, the chancellor's proposed interventions do not add up to much.
The biggest announcement was that the government will extend Help to Buy, a scheme thatguarantees mortgages for people purchasing newly built homes. Mr Osborne also hopes to builda new town at Ebbsfleet, a patch of post-industrial land in the Thames estuary, and promisesto speed up the redevelopment of several rotting 1960s and 1970s social housing estatesinLondon.
By making it easier for housebuilders to shift their stock, Help to Buy has probably helpedboost building slightly, especially in northern cities where construction had all but ceased.Extending the programme will boostBritain's housing stock by 120,000 by 2020, the Treasuryclaims, though it will also expose taxpayers to any future house-price crash. Mr Osborne alsoannounced a new fund to support lending to small housebuilders—who have struggled to getfinancing in recent years—which ought to have a similar effect.
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