经济学人:国民健康保险制度 遇冷的医改

时间:2015-10-08 10:27:13  / 编辑:danyang


  The NHS


  Health reform in a cold climate


  The government's reforms to the NHS are viewed asits biggest failure. They are better than that


  “WITH the Conservatives there will be no more of the tiresome, meddlesome, top-downrestructures that have dominated the last decade of the NHS.” So said David Cameron in 2009,and many were convinced. Voters made Mr Cameron prime minister in2010 inpart because theConservative Party cut into Labour's lead on health care, which it had enjoyed almost since itfounded the NHS in 1948. The Tories quickly squandered their advantage. But their legacy willbe better than they seem to believe.

  “有了保守党,NHS(National Health Service 英国国民健康保险制度)近十年主要的恼人、好事、专制的医疗结构会一扫而光”,这是英国首相卡梅伦在2009年说过的话,且广受信服。2010年,选民把戴维·卡梅伦选为首相,有部分原因是因为保守党插手了工党主导的医疗保健项目,这个项目几乎自从1948年设立了NHS就赞誉颇多。然而保守党很快就把优势糟蹋一空。但“遗产”比他们大部分人认为的要丰厚。




  In spite of his promise, Mr Cameron's Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition governmentembarked on reforms that would reshape the NHS from the top down. The immense Healthand Social Care Act of 2012 increased competition, gave the service greater autonomy andput more decisions about the purchase of care in the hands of local doctors, known inBritainasgeneral practitioners, or GPs. The changes were so big that they could be seen from space,quipped Sir David Nicholson, the departing head of the NHS.


  The government soon came to wish they would disappear. The reforms were never popularwith a bemused public. Doctors' groups argued they would lead to a more fragmented andprivatised system. Others worried that GPs would be incapable of commissioning care. EdMiliband, Labour's leader, dubbed the reforms Mr Cameron's “poll tax”, a reference to thepolicy that helped fell Margaret Thatcher. In this case it was Andrew Lansley, the healthsecretary, who fell. Less than six months after his reforms were passed, Mr Lansley wasreplaced by Jeremy Hunt, who talks about them as little as possible.


  The health reforms were supposed to make the NHS more independent. Yet Mr Hunt nowstyles himself a patients' champion—he is known to ring hospitals to ask about waiting times.This is a concession to reality: politicians will always be held accountable for the performanceof the NHS. Still, the frantic smothering of the reforms conceals something useful. A policy thathas caused the government so much embarrassment is quietly bearing fruit.


  Let 211 flowers bloom


  The biggest change was the creation of 211 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), whichplaced about 60% of the NHS budget in the hands of local doctors and health workers. Theybecame responsible for procuring hospital care, mental-health services and the like. Navigatinga muddled system, the cannier ones have figured out ways to realign the incentives ofhospitals, which are often paid per procedure, with those of GPs, who aim to keep peoplehealthy and at home.


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