经济学人:英国政治 时钟停摆

时间:2015-09-25 10:22:18  / 编辑:danyang




  Winding down


  Over a year before the general election, Parliament isalready clocking off


  PARLIAMENT feels different from usual. The lobbies and corridors are quieter. The queues in thecanteens are shorter. Records of internet activity in the Palace of Westminster show thatmonthly visits to YouTube have overtaken those to Parliament's information pages. Visits tocricket websites are up, too. The division bells still ring in MPs' offices to announce votes andthe wood-panelled committee rooms are still busy—but debates tend to be on independent(and sometimes eccentric) initiatives by MPs rather than on government bills. Each seems to bedoing his own thing.





  Britain's Parliament normally stands out for its raucous debates, its might and its bustle. UnlikeAmerica's Congress, it is not prone to long spells of deadlock; unlike France's NationalAssembly, it is not subordinate to a monarch-like president; unlike the German Bundestag,regional legislatures do not dilute its power. And not long ago it was a whirlwind of activity. Inthe 2010-12 session the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition passed 42 bills overhauling thenational finances and most major public services.


  But last year's Queen's Speech introduced just 15 bills, several of them minor. With sevenweeks left in the parliamentary year, MPs have passed only 801 pages of governmentlegislation (excluding money-raising measures and bills mostly debated in the last session).Even in the unusually short 2012-13 session they managed more than twice as much. Thirteenmonths before the next general election, the legislative motor is spluttering.

  但是去年的女王演讲仅仅引进了15项法案,其中一些都是小修小改。本届议会任期还有七周,但议员们仅仅通过了801页政府立法(除了筹款措施和上届议会主要讨论的法案)。即使是在2012-2013年较短的任期内,议员们通过的法案也比现在多出一倍。距离下届大选还有13个月, 而立法运动举步维艰。

  Why? “They passed a hell of a lot of legislation in early sessions, much more so than Blair orThatcher,” explains Peter Riddell of the Institute for Government. So the government soon ranout of policies that both sides of the coalition found acceptable. It is now stuck. Having fixedthe parliamentary term at five years, it must sit out the remaining months.

  这一切原因何在?这是因为“他们在早期的议会中已经通过许多立法法案,比布莱尔和撒切尔时期还要多,”政府研究院的彼得·里德尔(Peter Riddell)解释道。因此,政府很快就穷于政策,无法使联合议会的双方都满意。所以如今,立法进程受阻。议会将任期修改为5年,所以他们在剩下的几个月必须耐着性子坚持到底。

  The slumber of all parliaments


  Amid the torpor, minds are turning to the election. “A year ago all the conversations wereabout policy; now it is positioning and campaigning,” observes one MP. Those with swing seats,particularly Lib Dems who need to overcome their party's poor polling, are using the quiet timeto woo constituents. Some spend as little as a day a week in Westminster.


  Other MPs are away from Parliament for different reasons. For those with comfortablemajorities, foreign junkets and media careers beckon. “I've never had more time towrite,”chuckles one. So occupied are some MPs with their second jobs that Andrew Lansley,the leader of the House of Commons, is said to have reminded them that their first duty is totheir voters. Scottish MPs have a less cushy distraction: canvassing voters ahead of thereferendum on independence, which will take place in September.

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