直到不久以前,我还一直认为Snapchat是一款主要是20几岁和十几岁年轻人用来互相发送愚蠢图片的应用软件。现在我不再这么认为了。上周,我在英国《金融时报》在旧金山主办的一次奢侈品峰会上采访了蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co)首席执行官弗雷德里克•科莫纳尔(Frederic Cumenal)。
During our conversation, Cumenal revealed that Tiffany had recently created a sparklySnapchat “filter” that communicates the dazzle of a diamond to anyone with a mobile phone.It even allows would-be purchasers to virtually “try on” the rings, without ever needing to gointo one of those reverentially hushed Tiffany stores.
Is this a good idea? That is the big question — actually, the $222bn question, if we go by thesector’s annual sales — hanging over the luxury goods world today. One of the reasonscompanies such as Tiffany are creating Snapchat filters is that they are keen to catch the cyberbuzz — and appeal to “millennials”.
Another factor is that the luxury sector is under pressure to do something — anything — topersuade sceptical investors that it can continue to grow, because, right now, it seems to beat an inflection point. In the decade leading up to the financial crisis of 2007-08, richconsumers in the west gobbled up luxury goods amid the credit boom. Then, when theslowdown hit, cash-rich consumers in places such as China, Russia and Brazil jumped in toprovide a new source of demand.
Now those emerging market countries are in the doldrums, and an anti-corruption drive inChina has halted jewellery sales. Meanwhile, demand in Europe remains weak, and even in theUS, which is supposed to be recovering, the picture is far from buoyant. Little wonder, then,that the share price of Tiffany (like many luxury goods companies) has tumbled by almost one-third in the past year.
People such as Cumenal argue that this partly reflects the vagaries of the business cycle. Butwhat is really interesting for sociologists and anthropologists — albeit more worrying for thoseluxury executives — is that consumer habits in the west could be undergoing an even biggerstructural change. In the 20th century, it was taken for granted that when rich people wantedto “enjoy” their wealth and display status, they acquired expensive goods such as houses,cars, art — and diamonds. But according to Sarah Quinlan, a MasterCard executive whoanalyses vast reams of spending data each month, there has recently been a shift in terms ofhow wealthy and not-so-wealthy people are spending money.
These days, overall consumer spending is growing (albeit more among the rich than the poor).This growth is occurring almost entirely in services such as restaurants, hotels, travel andholidays, not just in the middle market but in the luxury sector too. “One thing that comes outof these great recessions is that we like our friends and families again — we prize spending timewith them,” Quinlan says. “The majority of [the growth] in spending is going to travel andleisure, not goods.” Or, as a report by Deloitte consultants notes: “All consumers, but especiallymillennials, value experiences . . . spend by people travelling accounts for 40 per cent of thepersonal luxury markets.”
According to Quinlan, this shift can be explained by changes in lifestyles and values: today’smillennials often live in cities, not suburbs, so have less physical space in which to store “stuff”;they also prize concepts such as “sustainability” and “community”.
. . .
I suspect there is another factor too: in the cyber age, physical goods simply do not feel very“exclusive” any more. Think once again about those diamonds. Fifty years ago, a scruffyteenager couldn’t wander into a jewellery store and try on a diamond ring; indeed, 100 yearsago, poor people barely knew what the rich were wearing. But the internet has democratisedthe view: anyone can now “see” luxury goods and buy them online.
What remains more exclusive are “experiences”, precisely because these cannot becommoditised online. One of the most powerful forms of conspicuous consumption today isnot the accumulation of goods but the accumulation of memories — and stories. These areprecious because they cannot be replicated.
That does not mean that people will stop buying diamonds. But it does mean that luxurygoods companies are being advised to mix experiences with goods to create prestige. Don’tjust put diamonds on Snapchat; offer rich clients the chance to meet the master craftsman too.
To put it another way, the more that our lives are hijacked by robots and cyber links, the morevaluable the individual — human — touch starts to become. It is a striking reminder of justhow arbitrary our ideas of “value” — and luxury — really are. And perhaps a reason for cheer.
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