China’s car-hailing wars have seen both sides spendbillions of dollars funding discounts for customersand subsidies to drivers.
In March Didi’s chairman, Cheng Wei, told the website QQ Tech that the company had set aside$4bn raised since last year to spend on what he called “market fostering”. It was not clear howmuch of it had already been spent, though estimates based on a financial presentation madelast year suggest Didi could have lost $1.4bn last year mainly on subsidies. Uber lost $1bn lastyear in China according to chief executive Travis Kalanick.
3月,滴滴的首席执行官程维告诉腾讯科技,该公司已经留出了自去年以来融资的40亿美元,用于他所谓的“市场培育”。这笔钱已经花费了多少不得而知,不过基于去年一份财务陈述的估计认为,滴滴去年可能亏损了14亿美元,主要用于补贴。优步首席执行官特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)表示,优步去年在中国亏损了10亿美元。
Ge Jia, an influential tech blogger, says he believes Didi may be spending more on subsidiesthan it lets on – Didi is three or four times the size of Uber and drivers who work for both saythe rate of subsidies is roughly the same. “Didi cannot afford to lower subsidies or that will justbe surrendering its users to competitors.”
Didi will not disclose its financial losses but a spokeswoman said it was spending less onsubsidies than Uber and was breaking even in more than half of the 400 cities it operates in. “Investors wouldn’t have shown such support had we not shown them a clear path towardsprofitability,” she said.
As for how Apple’s money will be spent, she added: “All investments are going to be focused inproduct and tech innovations as we see more and more cities pass the breakeven point.”
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